Monday, February 29, 2016

Two Month Recap

Here we are 2 months in and still going strong!

I am so pleased with myself; I have gone 60 days of logging my meals and exercise, I have been going to the gym now for over 3 weeks, I have had a personal trainer for 2 weeks and I have been blogging regularly over this time as well with over 20 blogs done in these 60 days!  WOW!

Now lets review:

  1. Polar Bear Swim - January 1st is ideal time for this.  I am very proud of this and look forward to doing it again in 2017!
  2. Start a regular published V-log about my weight-loss struggle - ( I believe that my story can inspire others and help me see myself and who i am and how my negative thinking affects me. by recognizing this I hope to change this.)        I have 3 or 4 videos now on my youtube page
  3. Not cave in  when it comes to meal choices - (there are 4 adults in my house and I usually eat whatever the consensus is even when i know it is not healthy.)  I have been doing well on this but there is always room for improvement
  4. Be more an active participant in my life - I'm tired of sitting on the sidelines  ( I feel like since we are at 2 months gone now and I have stayed on top of this that I can safely say completed)
  5. Get regular exercise. ( I would like to join Pure Gym this year when i have some spare cash - Pure is essentially open 24/7)   I have made specific time when at work to go for a walk around the shop every hour and I have joined Pure Gym and Juicery in Penticton
  6. Celebrate my victories - ( i am humble with my current victories as I am knowing/feeling there is a failure coming soon)   I have been trying hard to celebrate all my small victories and have recieved wonderful support from so many great people giving me encouragement. Thank you for all your messages and strength!
  7. Be a better husband to my wife. ( I let my stress and depression come out in a negative way and let it creep out with sarcasm and passive aggressiveness)
  8. Do more things that I would usually pass on from being insecure and afraid. 

So obviously I have kicked butt in crossing off some things from my list so I am starting a new revised list:

Revised Goals February 2016 (to include previous goals) - some are more of a long term type goal but they are all still attainable with some hard work and persistence.
  1. Be more of an active participant in my own life
  2. Be a better husband to my wife by being less sarcastic and more open to how I am feeling.
  3. Do more things that I would usually pass on from being insecure and afraid.
  4. Be less than 400 pounds
  5. Be less than 300 pounds 
  6. Be less than 200 pounds
  7. Hit my step count of 10,000 a day 5 or more times in a week (have done this 2 weeks in a row!)
  8. Average 60000 steps a week or more   ( I am averaging almost 11,000!)
  9. Be a regular at my local gym (3 to 5 days a week on average)    I go 5 to 7 days a week sometimes twice a day too! 
  10. Buy clothes at a "normal" store 
  11. Not need a Sleep Apnea machine
  12. Join a fun league sports team for spring / summer
  13. Join a fun league sports team for fall / winter
  14. Become a jogger (can't believe I just wrote that!)
  15. Do a Disney Marathon with my lovely wife Tabitha
  16. Take up MMA/kickboxing/boxing type of sport 
  17. Inspire others by my story and have my story help them achieve dramatic weightloss in a healthy way
  18. Have 1000+ followers of my blog and Vlog each
  19. Do a photo diary of my weightloss transformation
  20. Have a regular trainer that I see every Month ( at least once ) - ( I changed this one to "month" not week due to expense)

I feel like I have accomplished alot in my first 60 days and while my goals now are bigger and harder to reach due to it will take time but I feel confident knowing I have already crossed off 9 goals and on the verge of 2 more.
If you are struggling or wondering if you can go through your journey and have success, all I can say is if I can you DEFINITELY can! All it takes is to believe in yourself and truly desire the end results; I know I am not at my goal results but I know I will get there, the only person stopping me on this journey is me.

SW 447
LW 428
TW 431
+/-     +3
LTD  -16

this is a frustrating week for me.. I killed it at the gym all week and although I did have a couple indulgences my calories were under every day.. Oh well I will just do super awesome this week coming up and get back on track!

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