Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday's Rants, Rambles, Raves and Chaos of Thinking: Valentine's Day & The Red Shirt of Doom

Over the past 10 years I have seen my weight slowly increase from when I had previously lost 160 pounds, and like many other people who struggle with their weight I gained it all back and then some. As my weight crept up I would slowly see and feel my clothes get tighter and eventually they would be banished to the back of a drawer or closet never to be worn again. They would stay there for a few years before they would be put into a bag to go to charity despite me holding on to hope that they would have fit again one day. I my wife would continue to buy new clothes for me as I had lived in a constant state of denial about needing clothes. I would always say "Look, they fit!" as I would pull on the tight fitting shirt or pants and then I would get a grunt from Tabitha saying "Just because you can put it on does not mean it fits!" She was right. 

I still have the first dress shirt I got when we went on our first Valentine's Date in 2008, a full 10 months after being together. It is a nice burgundy coloured shirt and it is still one of my favorites, however it has succumbed to the relic section of our closet, the old age home of shirts where they live out their last days longing for day of old. Every once in a while I put it on just to see.. see if I am close to wearing it again and the answer is always the same: no.

I have seen a few blogs and posts of people whom have kept an old shirt or pants and did a comparison for reference of their progress. They do it for them to feel good about themselves especially when it is hard to see the complete progress they are achieving, and I want this. Although this shirt is not from my goal weight or when i was near my goal back in 2004/2005  to me it will be a true recognition of the progress I will have made. I still have a ways to go to get into this shirt and I don't expect to fit in it anytime soon but I do expect to fit in it again. I have a date in mind when I would like to fit in it and that gives me about 9 months until our anniversary. I would love to surprise my wife by wearing it, she has seen me try to put it on and took the following picture and I am sure will read this and know but I won't let her know when it does fit. It will be a small yet huge victory for me and a great goal to have. 

I have many goals I am hoping to achieve in the next 2 years, airplane seat belt extender free, breaking the 4's, 3's and 2's (I can't imagine wait to be in one-derland), to be able to buy regular clothes off the rack at any store and have it fit properly, to get rid of this damned sleep apnea machine, to be more active throughout all the seasons of the year by being involved in many sports and hobbies, to be able to go on our cruise in 2017 and be able to go zip lining or on a weight restriction excursion without the worry of being too overweight, and so much more.   

As I have said many times I am just focusing on the small things in my everyday life, be it new daily habits, change of attitude in certain things or just finding the next attainable goal. Right now it is being less than 400 pounds, I am 35 pounds away so this is very attainable in the very near future, Easter is my plan, this is only about 7 weeks so plenty of time! That makes it 5 pounds per week for weight loss so it is a bit aggressive however it is attainable. 

How do you think I should celebrate this big milestone coming up?

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