Monday, February 22, 2016

My First Week .. Again.. Kind Of....

So this is my second go around at having a first full week. 

Before you get up in arms and be all "What the fridge!????!!!"; I am referring to my first full week with having a personal trainer. Her name is Kelsey and she is awesome. I admit technically I don't have her all week but rather I had her last week for a day and we sat down went thoroughly through my health history, my goals for myself, my wants from a trainer and what i am looking to get out of this process. Afterwards she got me in the gym and we went through each equipment and figured out a routine that i was comfortable with that hopefully wont aggravate any personal mechanics such as my knees or lower back which are not the best due to my size. 

Brief Health History for Scott Mac 101:

I do not have diabetes - family history on dad's side yes
I have a good strong heart - dad's side has history
Doc says I am in great health just need to lose weight
Wonky left knee 
Right shoulder I had rotator cuff injury
lower back pains - due to weight of course

Kelsey seemed pleased that my recent visit to Doc provided great information about my health

Next was my goals:

Goals 101

 From Me -Lose weight - 10 pounds a month
 From Me- lose weight first then long term build strength and cardio for sports activities
From Kelsey - guide me in right path, check in to keep me accountable, have follow up sessions

Simple enough for Kelsey and I to work on.

The next part was the equipment. Now i know that not much has changed in 30 years since I was in Jr high in the "Dungeon" but we were never truly taught the proper use and body form when using the equipment but I learned quick from Kelsey : 

Feet shoulder width apart
Toes facing straight out
Knees slightly bent (if standing)
Belly button towards my spine
Shoulders back and down
Breathe in before starting
Breathe out through the exercise as I attack the weight

She repeated this to me a hundred times so I think I got it.

Kelsey tested my comfort ability on different machines and with different ranges of weights; part of me wanted to be the typical guy show off stuff but I knew better; I knew if I showed off it would be a detriment to my getting healthy so I was patient and listened to my body and what felt comfortable since I haven't really done anything like his for so long.

Through this process a routine was set which is about 20 to 30 mins long; simple and covers a bit of everything. She told me to continue with my walking as well and if i feel too sore one day from the weights to skip it as long as I continue with my walking.

So this is my routine now, well that and trying to convince myself to be at the gym at 5 am to get my weights in so that in the evening Tabitha and i can go get the steps in together. Every day at a time, every step at time and we will reach that journey!

SW 447
LW 432
TW 428
+/-    -4
LTD -19

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