Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday's Rants, Rambles and Chaos of Thoughts: Procrastination is THE Enemy!

So this is it, the week where it will all begin. I am starting going to the gym this coming week.
I am convinced I will need to go and have session with Yoda a trainer once a month to give me some instruction on proper techniques of using the equipment, setting up a routine and monitoring my progress. I am still trying to figure out when I will actuate this routine in my day; is it at 4am for 90 mins giving me enough time to get home and ready for work or is it after work sometime which I feel is my decompress time. My travel time to and from work is an hour to 1-1/2 hrs depending on traffic so I feel my time is limited for when I can do this, but I have to make time in my life to get it done and still be available for family time and apart of the responsibilities of other things in my life. 
Image result for yoda at the gym
I feel like I have really been dragging my heels on getting my steps in and I don't really know why. I have been telling myself lots of excuses and thankfully I have had a few friends call me out on my lack of posting of steps on Facebook or Instagram. It is great to have them ( The Hoff and Jeremy) to encourage me to keep going despite my faltering. When at home I feel like I am just not focused where I need to be. I do think that the pre-prep of meals/organizing my priorities better will help, it is just hard to get that new routine started. I was doing good the other week with getting steps in and doing stairs, then for some reason I took a day off and just haven't been getting the steps or stairs in since. Like I said before it takes 3 weeks to form a habit and doing less creates this issue I am in now. I need to stay on top of this for 3 weeks continuous in order to build that habit and stick with it, no days off, no excuses. 

I frustrate myself but I need to forget about this setback and just focus on what is going right!
I am still logging my meals on My Fitness Pal (over 4 weeks in a row now) and have been doing great at staying relatively low carb. My goal for carbs is 112g but I try to stay under 100, I have gone over a few times but not too much though. There may be one or two days in the 3 week span that I may have had a bad day of being higher on calorie count and low on steps but to go from nearly 3000 calories a day to now around 2400 a day and still be under my calories and have my carbs be reduced by about two thirds of what it once was is a huge achievement. Props to me! I have not have had any sugar cravings at all and I thank an app i was introduced to by LoseitLikeLauren who in one of her videos said she uses Lose Weight with Andrew Johnson App so I have been using this and listening to it every night before bed and though I had some serious doubts I am now seeing the results. Again I say 3 weeks is key and Andrew tells you to use it for 3 weeks, much like I say about habits. I am so pleased with this app I downloaded a couple others; I am just starting out with the Procrastination one now to help fix this issue I seem to have.

As I said before it's all about small changes to create the bigger changes. If I change one small aspect of my routines at the end of this journey the results will be huge. The key to this life altering change is dedication and hard work; when you continuously achieve both of these then results will come. If you falter on one then the other one falters as well. I have to make arrangements in my life to put myself as a priority, much like we all do. Not often do we put our needs above others but in order to succeed in your health concerns then a change has to be made at a core level. You have to choose to eat better, you have to choose to make smarter choices., you have to choose to take action in your life, you have to choose to search for what will work for you and your goals. All of it is your choice, no matter what is happening in your world. Like me and my post from earlier in the week there are lots of people and differing palettes in my house and so I have just decided that i need to control more of what I put into my system. Sure it may put some people out that I am eating separately but oh well, it is my health and life that needs to be a priority. I am choosing me first. 

I choose to be a participant in my life not a spectator. What will you choose?

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