Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday Windup : The McFly Theory

So this new lifestyle.. I am getting used to it.
I have been really into the Fitbit challenges lately, I even won my first one last weekend between me Tabitha and a friend of ours. I was quite happy about this!

I have really been pounding it hard at the gym and my fit bit shows it:

 The above was just a sample of some of the days I have had.. GREEN IS GOOD, all the time!

Funny thing has happened to me this last week; I have gotten support from all over and I wasn't quite expecting it either! I finally met Vanessa from Pure who had hooked me up with a FOB for 24/7 access to the gym and she ended up giving me a hug, and I always say I am a hug dispenser, so that was cool. Then 10 mins later as I am just 5 minutes into my tread mill activity an older gentleman (55 to 60 range I am guessing) came up to me while I was on the treadmill and smiled and gave me a fist bump then walked away. I have received twitter comments from FitBt Support 6 days in a row just saying way to go! I even git a head nod just for showing up one morning from someone that was already at the gym at 5am. It was weird / awkward /cool though. To me it reinforces the decision I made was right in going with Pure and going with focusing on my health this year.
Image result for fitbit
Although I have had a couple weeks here and there where there was no weight loss (maybe a quarter pound gain at most) I am still on track for losing 10 pounds a month which is my minimum goal for myself each month. A total of -15 pounds so far with 2 weeks left in this month, I am very proud of that accomplishment so far. I am also hoping that as I get healthier and my endurance increases as well as my general activity increases that this number kicks up a gear or two so by the end of the year I surpass my 10 pounds a month an can be under 300lbs by January of next year, now that is a lofty yet doable goal to reach that I truly believe I can achieve!

I can never say enough about how important it is to believe in yourself, to celebrate your wins and to rewrite your immediate history, because when you re-write your history, the out come that you were headed for will change (I am going to call this the McFly Theorem).

Sure I may not be able to actually go back in time and change my future but, by staying dedicated to taking better care of myself I am lengthening my predicted longevity in life, thus turning back time and giving me a longer, healthier and happier future.  After all is that the point of this journey to finding me?

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