Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday's Rants, Rambles and Chaos of Thinking: Cravings

I don't know why but the other day I was craving some toast and peanut butter, with a little bit of raspberry jam. Okay, who am I kidding I wanted all the toast in all the land with heaps of crunchy peanut butter and globs of fruit filled jam; the kind of jam where there is still big chunks of fruit in it.

Needless to say I did not have any as it would have been a slippery slope. For me my cravings are usually "crunchy/crispy" related such as toast, chips, crispy chicken wings etc. Chocolate is nice don't get me wrong but I just prefer the crunch or the salt form whatever is I get the crunch from. 

Other than the other day, which now that i think of it was just before I got sick, I have not really had much of cravings. I have surprised myself a lot on that one actually. I  thought i would be craving more of the Margarita/daiquiri for Saturday's Mexican nights or toast and peanut butter for breakfasts. I did make a Strawberry Daiquiri last weekend, and I only had one. It went really well with my Sweet Potato Nachos!

It has been going well and I have been surprised that I have not struggled as much as I expected. It truly is easier to do when your fully into making the change within yourself and you recognize your areas of weakness. I recognize my areas and try to turn it into a strength for me. I work at recognizing the whats and whys and use that knowledge to understand and improve myself.  I know what it is I get cravings for and so I work at having healthy alternatives for it. I also try to do something incompatible with that craving, for example: I cant eat something crunchy or salting if I am drinking 500 ml of water first.

We all get cravings, what do you do to control them or control yourself?

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