Monday, February 15, 2016

PURE-ly one step forward to Lesson # 5 The Door to Success.

Good morning all! I want to talk about my joining a gym experience this week.
There is no secret that I was nervous ( and still am ) about having joined a gym. It is not something I have been comfortable doing because it is just not my element to be in; but as this is the year of Scotty Mac I am pushing outside of my boundaries. I had been in conversation via Facebook with Vanessa at Pure Gym and Juicery for a while now and she has done really well to help me feel at ease with my apprehension to starting a new part of this journey.  Taking that first step through the door has been tough, I am constantly thinking that people are watching and judging me, though I know they are not. 

The day we went and joined (Tabitha came with me) Vanessa was away but she set up my visit with her business partner Carolyn whom was gracious enough to show us around and tell us about the Pure experience and made us feel accepted and comfortable. Carolyn talked to me about personal trainers they have on staff and after some thought and discussion with the wifey I thought it best to hire a trainer once a month to keep me on track and develop a routine for me to do. Upon further discussion with Carolyn I was told that they have a trainer organizer who will call me and ask me some questions on what I am look for from a trainer and where my goals are and then that will help determine which of their trainers will work best with me and my goals. I like this process. I think it is very important to be matched with the right person who has your best interests at heart and matches their style and strengths as well. I have joined temporarily to other gyms and I have felt more like a number or a dollar bill and not actually welcomed as an individual. Pure has rectified this belief that all gyms are about making money off the individual and not about representing the health and wellness that people are searching for.

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Since I first started talking with Pure I have felt that they genuinely care for me as a client and are personable and helpful if I have any questions or concerns and are willing to help find answers if they don't have them readily available. I found when I joined the Penticton Racquet and Fitness Club before that I was just a money grab, that they were not concerned for thier client or the customer experience. Maybe that is just me and my chef/hospitality background, I just expect service of a certain standard despite wherever it is I am.  Simply put, going above and beyond for a customer at any location or business wins my loyalty.

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I really like the thought of being paired up with the right trainer. I know that ultimately all trainers have the same goals in making you healthier in your training regiment but to have a trainer who has a niche for certain aspects of training that match what I am looking for is great. I can't imagine a trainer who has a niche of bulking and strength building be the ideal trainer for someone who is looking to lose body mass, nor do I expect a trainer who specializes in endurance / triathlon type of athlete would be the best for someone who is morbidly obese and just starting their journey in weightloss. So to be matched with someone who has my goals in mind and suits their training style is a huge advantage. Do I have visions of a Jillian Michaels or Dolvett Quince kicking my ass, yes, but I also know that whomever I am paired up with will be well aware this is not some TV show or game, they will be focusing on me and my goals and not be wary of any yellow or red lines.

As I confront this discomfort in starting a new routine at a gym I am gaining strength within myself. So long I have been afraid to try for fear of failure. So many times I just said to myself why bother, I will just fail so what is the point. I have doubted my ability to succeed but now there is something within me that has changed, I truly feel it. The switch was flipped, the brain has reset or better yet rebooted and is going through all the malware and viruses that are in the hard drive and is defraying the system and cleaning out the junk.  The only thing holding me back is myself. writing the blog the other week about my 2016 goals update helped me realize even more how well I have done and the successes I have had thus far. Don't get me wrong I still have days where I have doubts and want to just blow off the day but I am growing to ignore these days more and more. I am proud of how far I have come so far; I am proud of my accomplishments to get to this point. For me to say that in less that 60 days into the new year I have lost almost 15 pounds, that I have joined a gym, that I have done a polar bear swim, that I have cut our carbs by 80% from my meals, that I am doing this under my own initiative and still going strong, that I have been logging in to my fitness pal for over 30 days in a row and have made so many more subtle changes in my life that have supported my goals. Hell I am still blogging 2 to 3 times a week and have been completely open about my struggles. I take pride in receiving messages from readers saying that I am inspiring them. I love hearing the "way to go" or "I wish I had your fire/determination/organization of self". I love the fact that my fit bit challenges keep me accountable and I feel pushed to better my self and fight for a chance to win one of the challenges.
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I am excited to go on this journey with Pure and see where this journey takes me. I am allowing myself to dream a bit bigger and feel like these dreams could be a reality. To think I might just be at my goal weight by the time our cruise comes around; that I may be able to do things on this cruise that I am currently too heavy for such as: Waterslides, Sky-Ride, Zip Lining, Jet Boat
Runners, fly without a seatbelt extender. Before January 1st 2016 it was all just a dream for me, but now I feel that as I continue on this path it might just be a reality one day.

Lesson # 5

At the end of the day when you make this journey to lose weight you have to be comfortable and build trust with the routine, with the place you go and trust with the people you choose to work on your health with. I am sure there are many people much like me who are nervous at the though of starting at a new gym but when you feel comfortable and build up that trust at the beginning it is easier to continue on knowing that you have a great support system around you. So when it comes to decide where you are wanting to go to for a workout be sure that it is right for you and that you are comfortable with it. being nervous is okay but just be comfortable knowing that where ever it is that they have your goals in mind and will be best in supporting you reach those goals.

 My drive and motivation comes from within, it pushes me to be successful.  I sometimes feel surprised of where I have come from already and where I am at now. I am addicted to pushing my own boundaries and stopping of  being afraid of certain things I would not do before. I love challenging myself like this and doing what I have done so far now that I wouldn't have done before, what a great feeling!  Knowing and beginning to believe that the only thing stopping me from living my life the way I want is me, why would I give up on myself if I am the only one holding me back?

Push to find your passion, strive to better yourself, and keep on this journey; it may get bumpy and you may go off road but what a ride!

SW: 447
LW: 435
TW: 432
+/-     -3
LTD: 15

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