Monday, February 8, 2016

Water, what is it good for? Lesson 4

So i am working away trying to every week add on to my new habits and build on them so that overtime the changes I make will have been small but the results will be tremendous. Heck, I have already lost over 12 pounds in the last month so something must be working right?

My goal this week is to get my water a day intake to where it needs to be. I know we have all heard that we need to drink 6 to 8 cups a day of water but would you be surprised to learn this is not true?

So with this in mind and ther being 34oz per litre and me being over 400lbs.. I need to drink approximately 280 oz or 8+ litres a day. I am unsure if that is a reasonable amount so I will start with doubling my intake then try to slowly increase that amount until I get to around 8 litres a day... Damn I will be peeing a lot!  Think of Austin Powers in International Man of Mystery movie. 
(click picture for the reference)
Image result for austin powers pee

I am proud to say that although I prefer that my process of changing to be quicker I am very happy with the results. I have a higher goal for February but I will be happy with any number that is less than the one I am at today! 

We have booked a vacation cruise again, (what a surprise!), and this time it is in December for my wife's 11 year anniversary of her 29th birthday on a brand new ship; so I am making this my focus as a incentive to be where I want to be or at the least close to it. This gives me just under 22 months to be close to my goal or at it. I believe this is very possible as it would be approximately 10 pounds per month to be within striking distance of that goal. 

I want to experience being on a plane and not have to ask for a seat belt extender, or to experience the feeling about not having to "hold it" all flight because I don't fit into the sardine can of a room they call the lavatory. I want to be able to feel comfortable taking off my shirt and not feel like people are staring at me in shock and horror while envisioning small kids running for their lives in fear. 
Image result for airline seat extender
Drinking water first thing in the morning I have heard helps kick start the metabolism, will fill you up thus make you less hungry, help your digestion better and help clean out your system; but there is so much more it does.

Water is truly the necessity of life and this step although it is a big one it is a simple step. Drink more water, that's it. I already cut out pop and liquor, though i may indulge once in a blue moon between now and the trip during special occasions. I have a water bottle at my desk that I try to drink from full 2 to 3 times a day, so I will increase this to once per hour. which will get me to 5.5 litres a day then I have one in the car for my 1 hour ride to and from work every day which I will drink that puts me up to 6 litres then i just need to drink 2 litres when at home before bed. Easy peasy, cheap and sleezy way to lose weight!

I got this!

I am excited to see where this will take me. Stay tuned!

SW: 447
LW; 435
Tw: 435
+/-     0
LTD: - 12

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