Monday, February 1, 2016

Planning to Plan means failing to fail?.... Lesson 3

So this week I am planning to do some meal planning and prepping.

I have read some blogs and suggestions that by planning out and prepping my meals ahead of time can help me achieve my goals better. There will be less chance of mistakes in what I am eating that is not healthy for me because I have taken the time to plan properly structured meals and snacks. I am unsure of how this will play out especially with a house apartment full of people. 
Meals in our house always seem to be a challenge because my wife and I are always trying to please everyone with meal choices however there is too many variances with palettes. It just happens that having 4 grown adults with varying needs are just too much to handle especially when one is a vegetarian, one is on a low carb life style, one is a vegetarian, one is diabetic and one is very sensitive to seasonings; to make a meal that we are all happy with is challenging to say the least! Usually my wife takes one for the team and makes something separate for herself, or I will just have salad while everyone else has pasta or rice with dinner. So my idea is that if I pre-make my lunches and some dinners where I can just pull from freezer if dinner one particular night does not coincide with my low carb lifestyle.
Image result for "retired" chef
Image result for commercial food preparation

Being a "retired" chef prepping food is nothing to me, I can do it in my sleep (and I think I may have in my former life)! I think this plan will help a lot especially when I ended up grabbing what I thought was Tabitha's baked spaghetti squash from the freezer for lunch one day and when I got to lunchtime and it was time to eat I was surprised with a TupperWare full of Pumpkin Puree! 
Creating a new healthy living lifestyle takes work and patience and time. I am learning so much more about the nutrients in each item, I had always wondered how can people on all these weightloss shows recite so much information; I mean seriously how do people know how much carbs/protien/fibre/fat/ whatever is in each item of food, well I think I am starting to turn into that person as I am starting to know how much carbs are in certain items purely from repetitive actions of inputting into My Fitness Pal to see where my calories and carbs are at. I think we may need a new refrigerator though! 

I have always been a fan of planning ahead and being prepared for whatever comes ahead, and by pre-doing meals I can weather any storm or situation that comes at me. I love having that chance to create and spend a day in the kitchen purely chopping dicing, slicing, and then seasoning, searing, grilling and baking. Brings back some fond memories of my cheffiing days (yes i just invented that word)! I have always said that in the kitchen you are only limited by your imagination and while I know in a commercial setting things can get stagnant I really enjoy the thought of creating meals for entire week. So many choices and options with every cut of meat, with every root vegetable and with every vine grown fruit and vegetable and everything in-between. So many people get stuck with their go to items, the same casserole or the same grilled steak but I like to just be different. I am excited to expand my knowledge of healthy cooking / low carb cooking; I have some favorite recipes I want to explore especially with the low carb life I am now living. I want to see how I can tweak the recipes and make them better, healthier and add to my knowledge of calories and nutrients per recipe. 

Image result for food prep

I find as I think of what I can do, the majority of my recipes are dinner type meals so I am interested in what i will come up with for lunches. Sure there are soups and salads but I want more options than that. When you were used to having bread or rice as a staple to your dietary consumption then it is removed it can be challenging to think of ideas. * Note that I do not miss bread at all - I had read (or mis-read) somewhere that by increasing your good fats that the craving for carbs subsides. So I now have lots of avocados and increased my fish intake as well as I am now regularily taking Omega 3-6-9 (fish oil) and vitamin B to help this out and so far all is great! For the record, I am not a doctor and do not suggest you do what I do but rather consult your physician and let them help you decide what is best for you. There is also Uncle Google that has endless amounts of information to help you find what is right for you. Ultimately it is your body and if you are honest and upfront with all of your concerns and face them head on you will get better results.

Planning no matter how small a step will only set you up for success; it is important to remember that every small change you make creates a big difference later on. When you plan to make changes in your life and you stay steadfast in those changes you are then planning for success. All things ever takes is that small ripple in the water to eventually become a roaring wave; and that is where you will see the difference, that is where you will fail to fail. Success will be with those who prepare to succeed, and that is who I am journeying to be.

SW 447.8
LW 438
TW 435
+/-    -3
LTD - 12

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