Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday Windup: The power of Fitbit

Oh how I love my Fitbit.

Image result for fitbit logo

I am just truly getting addicted to the challenges. I love checking to see where I am amongst the pack of fit people. and I like to think that I am right up there with a bunch of them. There are a few people who seem to average 15,000 to 20,000 steps a day whom are just out of reach for me (for now anyways!). 

I love getting my little awards

Unfortunately i forgot to take a pic when they popped up on my screen so I had to get these stock ones from the internet.

I also love to taunt and encourage my friends to help motivate them and myself to do better to get more step in to ultimately be healthier. I see my steps average now versus the way it was 2 or 3 weeks ago, so much change! I went from about 6,000 on average to around 10,400 average (would have been higher but there were 2 days that I was feeling out of it so I did not reach my daily goal). 

It is so important to have people around you that support and help motivate you to achieve your goals. I am very blessed to have so many in my FitBit friends list who are supporting me.

If you are wanting a supportive FitBit buddy add me!Send me a message with your email and I will add you!

Happy Stepping everyone!

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