Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Weigh In Wednesday March 30th

Happy Hump Day to all!
So here we are another week down still truckin' along.
Being that it was Easter weekend last week I feel it is important to share how I choose to overcome the temptations that were faced.

First of all there were 11 of us and we decided to do a BBQ instead of the traditional big roasts which is fine with most of us as it is more about spending time with family anyways and not about what we ate.
I generally tried to stay away from anything potato and breads and minimized any wobbly pops I may have had (just one). My focus has been on making smart choices, there will always be temptations but choosing better healthier options is my goal.   In the end I had 2 chicken breasts, 4 nugget potatoes, some caesar salad (picked out most of croutons) and a home made samosa.

I also spent nearly 2 hours at the gym burning off any future potential bad choice prior to dinner!

Despite going to the gym on Saturday I did not hit my steps, ended the day 800 short, and Friday I did not go to the gym but rather walked along the beach enjoy the beautiful sunny day and ended up about 1000 steps short that day too, but rest assured I did put the effort in on a daily basis.

SW  447
LW  426
TW 426
+/ -    0
LTD  -21

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