Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Weigh-in Wednesday - March 9th

It is Weigh-In day!

I have found myself struggling the last couple weeks now with stress and my weight and frustration all around. I know that stress and life go hand in hand it just always ends up affecting me on the scale and that sucks.

I have been trying to make some small adjustments to what I have been doing as the smallest changes can make the difference but I have been really feeling defeated. I guess it has just been the thought of having so far to go in my journey and though I was doing okay, I feel that my hiccup with gaining 3 pounds of water weight has just been the catalyst for feeling down. I am sure that I will rebound from the gloom, I just feel like I have let myself down, that I could have done more and better.

I am not giving up, I am just pushing through this want of stopping because I had failed myself. I won't let myself give up. I have been disheartened and had let it effect me and myself going to the gym as I had planned, but I am going to change things up to hopefully breathe new life in me.

I have found that by Wednesday or Thursday of most weeks I am just exhausted and I am thinking about making Wednesday my off day, no gym or no focus on my steps, just a me day to catch my breath.
Wednesday is also my weigh in day as I think that it will take off some pressure from me as I had noticed the last 2 weeks that I was focusing too much on going to the gym and getting my steps in so that I can reach my step goal and weight goal; i think too much focus on it can be as detrimental as not going at all, there needs to be a balance.

I have been very appreciative of so many people who give me encouragement and motivation everyday through words and nods of approval. It is a tough road to go on but the encouragement keeps me going.

SW 447
LW 431
TW 428
+/-    -3
LTD -19

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