Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wednesday Weigh-in: March 16

Weigh-In  for Wednesday March 16th!
So this last week despite my lack of motivation I have pushed through and continued to go to the gym everyday and even changed up my routine to be more consistent with my weight training. I eneded up going in earlier to the gym, usually around 4:20 - 4:30am I am at the gym starting my routine opposed to 5-5:15am and I have been starting off with weights as per suggestion of Obi-wan Kelsey and finishing off with between 30 mins to 1 hour on the tread mill; and while my motivation was lacking most days to even go I have felt really good afterwards. I am feeling strong in my arms leg and back. I feel some confidence sneaking in to me and I am intent to keep feeding that confidence when at the gym. I am still not comfortable to do weights around other people for fear of them staring and judging but I know as I continue to do this and feel good about myself that will change in time. 
Kelsey has been a superstar at working to help me with my strength, health and confidence and I can not thank her enough for all she has done so far and look forward to having her help me more in the future.
I had one bad day food wise this week, though I was still under my calorie goal thanks to killing it at the gym. I am going to try and work on my triggers for making bad choices and not allow the temptation to creep in; I have been so good for so long but since that last hiccup I have been tripping up once a week, this needs to stop!

I am working at reminding myself every day of why I am on this journey and the hard work I need to put in to get to where I need to be, I just really need to believe in myself more. While it is great to hear people say "You Got This" or " Great job Keep it up!" I don't always believe it. I have doubted myself a lot over the last 10 years and i need to clear my doubts and rebuild myself and confidence within. I have made mistakes in my life, as we all have, but I have put myself down over it and never really justified whether those mistakes were truly something that has defined me as a person. I have felt guilt over these things in varying degrees and severity and these mistakes have made me feel not worth my true value. I am the only person who can truly clear this up and now is the time to focus on me. I know I have been doing this for the last little while but mainly focusing on the physical and I now need to work on the mental as well.

SW 447
LW 428
TW 427
+/-   -1
LTD 20

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