Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday's Rants and Rambles: Baggy Clothes

Happy Friday to all of you!

I might be crazy but I am feeling like I might actually be having baggier clothes than normal. Perhaps despite me fighting the scales for the last few weeks (or month) I do feel like my clothes are fitting a bit better. Not as tight in some spots and baggier in others. I like this feeling as it gives me a glimmer of hope of what will be one day. 
I don't really see it yet, however, I know it will come in time. Fact is I have had over 240 pounds I am wanting to lose and while I may have only lost 5% so far and have a long way to go I have been very proud of my journey so far and to even feel that my clothes might be a bit looser than it was is a tremendous feeling!
Last year I bought some new pants but it was late spring early summer and so I put them in a drawer and somewhat forgot about them until the fall. When fall came I took the pants out and tried to put them on.. nope wasn't happening, they were too small. couldn't even pull them up properly. This last Saturday though I tried them on just to see where I was at, and because my work pants got a rip right up the leg from the cuff to my knee, it damn near looked like bell bottoms! So when I tried on the pants I was expecting failure again; I am proud to say that I got them on all the way up albeit not to a point where I would wear them in public for fear of something popping or ripping and ain't nobody got time for that!
Image result for weightloss and baggy clothing
You have no idea how big of a deal that is for me especially when living in a fairly small town that specializes in not selling clothes for "fluffy" people such as myself.

Image result for not fat fluffy

Here is a great article about noticing the weight loss:

Have a great week peeps!
Remember to start strong and finish strong on your journey!

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