Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday's Rants, Rambles and Raves: Shoes

Good Friday to you!

I cant stress how important shoes on when your going through a weightloss journey. I had to recently replace my shoes as I had noticed that I was starting to get blisters  in the pads of my feet and I also noticed the fatigue and pain in my feet that was starting to commence. 
Being over 200 pounds over weight I chalked the aches and pains to being unfit and my size and weight. Now of course there is some truth to this however when I looked in my shoe i noticed a hole as wide as my foot that had worked its way through the insole of the shoe and to the hard rubber of the bottom of the shoe in the same spot my blisters where appearing. 

Image result for hole in insole of shoes

I heard my feet telling me weeks before that something wasn't right and I chose to ignore it, well that won't happen again

Also this week I went a bit crazy in a good way, I had an appointment with Obi-wan Kelsey on Saturday but before I met with her i did 50 mins on the tread mill to get my steps in. During this time I noticed a big solid dude come in and hit the weights, I did not think of it too much and went on did my business on the tread mill. Afterwards I had 15 mins to relax before meeting with Kelsey so I went outside to my car and sat there and relaxed and fooled around with my phone. 

When it was time to head back in I went to the front desk to wait for Kelsey and the big guy was there. He asked me my weight straight out; I was a bit thrown off but obliged, which is not something i normally do. Anyways, I got to talking to him and he wanted to give me encouragement, says he used to be with the WWE and was up over 500 lbs when the boys in the locker room finally suggested that he lose some weight. He is now at 280 pounds (and built like a brick shit house!) and he just wanted to tell me to keep going and don't quit. FYI he is now a roadie for Megadeth, my guess is he is the body guard type but who knows. He was a very nice guy and I hope he would be in my side if i was walking into a dark alley as he can be one scary dude to come across especially if he didn't like you!
Image result for wwe

It is just funny to me that before when I was at Penticton Racquet and Fitness Club I felt like an outsider and not welcome there despite having a 3 month membership at the time, but now at Pure Gym and Juicery, I feel welcomed and accepted and it is a great feeling to be encouraged like that by so many different people. it really makes me believe I have made the right choice. 

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