Friday, March 4, 2016

Friday's Rants, Rambles and Chaos of Thinking: Temptations

Last Friday I talked about some cravings, now lets discuss the temptations.

Oops wrong one!

I am talking about food temptations.

I have found I am still week with some food temptations.

I admit I do have some weaknesses when around certain food situations, they are not cravings but more of indulgences. I cant help but when I go to get gas and have to go inside the station to get washer fluid or whatever, I have to buy a peanut butter cup. I try talking myself out of it but i just cant.. they are so damn good! Sure I know some may say that it is okay as a treat once in a while but I need better will power to just say no once. I think mentally it is a cheat as I will eat it in the car and no one will know; of course I feel guilty afterwards.

I also am weak when it comes to Ice Cream in my house. I don't go and buy it and don't usually crave it however if someone buys some and leaves it in the freezer at home for me , well I just try to fight and avoid it but I just know it is there so eventually I cave and instead of having a taste or two I will eat the whole damn thing ( just the little cups not a jumbo pail!)

I shamefully admit that last week I caved to both of these items. I was feeling tired and stressed when I ate the ice cream, I was actually upset when someone bought it for me because they did not want to come back from the store with one for themselves and have me feel "left out". I promised I would not feel left out and am ok with others not buying me junk. I am not thrilled about other "roomies" in our house buying crap food, but it is their health not mine as I won't touch their garbage food. Generally Tabitha and I buy only healthy stuff though I know with her sister living with us she has caved a bit with some indulgences and that is fine, she has been working hard along side me while I work out and we both try to eat right, she deserves a treat once in a while.

Being a former chef there is truly a love hate relationship with food. I love to cook and experiment with food and I hate that i love food and cooking so much. It is partly why I am in this situation, working around food for over 25 years added unnecessarily contributed to my weight. There was also the fact that in my younger years I was all about work, food and liquid libations; I never really exercised much.

All I have to say while I work through this struggle is:


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