Monday, March 7, 2016

Salt - The Pilar of life... and a Pain in the Buttocks! - Lesson 6: Watch the Macros

Happy Monday to all!

So Last week I struggled with my weight, I ended up gaining 3 pounds and it frustrated the heck out of me because I worked my but off trying to get my steps in, trying to get my weight routine in and trying to push forward and lose just 1 pound so i can hit my ten pounds a month goal. 

I logged all my food and exercise I carefully managed my carbs and have been working at drinking more water, I have been portioning my lunches and snacks and my calories have been bang on. So why am I gaining? Frustrated I  emailed my Obi-Wan Kelsey for some advice and started searching the internet and scour the meal plan records to find an error that would answer my questions.

After a thorough going through of not just my food but the macros behind it I came up with my Sodium was way too high; upon research into if there is a correlation between high sodium and weight gain and to no surprise there is.

High amounts of sodium can add water weight even when your body may be losing weight you can still retain water. I admit while I do have a good general concept of nutrition and key knowledge points to losing weight on a consistent basis I am now learning more of the refinements of my macros.

Later in the day after a further discussion with Obi-Wan Kelsey my suspicions were confirmed as Obi-Wan and I went through some areas that may be of cause.

I will definitely be paying more attention to my nutrient macros and making sure all is in line. It just shows to pay attention to the fine print even when you are thinking you are eating healthy as the tiniest imbalance can throw you off.

I will be changing my weigh in day to Wednesdays.. so stay tuned on Wednesday for my update

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