Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday Morning Recap March 21st to 27th

Happy day to you all!

This last week was better for sure! 
After taking the previous weekend off I tried to refocus on me and re-dedicate myself to what I need to do. This will always be an ongoing process of figuring what works and what doesn't, figuring out what I need to do to get my head on right and move forward. 
I have been working with myself on making sure no matter what day I am having that I must still hit my step goal; no matter how shitty of a day I may have. Sure, I may not always want to go to the gym but sitting on the couch got me to where I am and I have to make a true commitment to change if I want to see the results down the line.
When I don't get the results I am hoping for that week I will just re-focus on the gym and use that as my outlet. If I am stressed: gym. If I am wanting me time: gym. If I am upset or angry: gym. My answer must almost always be the gym now because what my habits have been during these moments of weakness have not been working so I need to change this and that has been my focus this last week.

I am working at hitting all green everyday, sure I may not have hit all green everyday but that is my goal. (This is a fitbit thing in my opinion). I am still trying to get used to daily logging of my food, exercise, mood and my internal dialogue/thoughts but it will come around. I need to change it all, I have to change it all if I want to survive through this. I say survive as I feel this truly is a fight for my life.

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