Monday, April 11, 2016

Set backs and Perseverance

Good morning to all, I hope you have a fantastic Monday and a great week!

This last week I had a bit of a setback and I am okay with it. I was in a minor car accident, got hit from behind when at a stop light; I am okay other than that I was a bit sore for a few days and still have some tightness in my shoulders and back. The other driver was distracted, said she dropped something and whammo.., she is okay too, her car took the brunt of the impact, crumpled the hood of her car. while mine just had some minor bumper damage. Alas everything is okay because these are minor things that can be fixed, that is after all what insurance is for.

After this happened I stopped going to the gym this week, I ached too much and have worried about making things worse. I have been doing stretching and trying to loosen my back up and am looking at easing my way back into the gym, taking it easy along the way.

I have missed going to the gym, I have felt guilty about it the whole time but at same time I don't want to ruin the progress I have made so far. Thinking of this makes me realize how much I have changed in the last 3+ months.

At times before this year I questioned it all, where I am where I am going and how I was getting there. This year I have pushed through my self doubts and though I have struggled I have come a long way now. I believe in the process and where I am going, there may be times of frustration but the frustration is only temporary when looking at the bigger picture. I am in this for the long haul, and I will not rush into it.

The facts are this:
I have lost over 20 pounds so far
I have lost inches in the right areas
I am now comfortable going to the gym
I am also comfortable to work out with people around
I can now spend 90 mins to 2 hours at gym
I have increased my cardio on treadmill from a 2.5 to 2.8 for 60 mins straight

I know I am always talking about the mentality of losing weight and having to be mentally in the right place and seeing the facts for what they are instead of making up shit in my head and having doubt. I will not let this accident and setback control or define me. I will be back at it in full (hopefully) this week and back on my way to this journey of finding me.

Here is a link for what to do and not do after being in an accident:

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