Monday, April 18, 2016

Feeling left behind

Good Monday to All!

Sorry that this is late, I debated about even writing anything today. I have been trying not to feel down and to not feel like once again I am on the sidelines of my life. I want to work out and get back on my path of getting into a healthy lifestyle routine but this back stuff is just driving me up the wall.  I came to the conclusion that if I don't continue in trying to write and stay positive I will be letting this injury win and this could lead to bad habits/decisions in health that I let defeat me for so long.

I went to the doctor again for a follow up and and he prescribed some therapy to alleviate some pain areas and hopefully speed up the process. Upon further conversation he reiterated what my trainer, Obi-wan Kelsey, and I discussed about no weights or exercise at the gym until the tension and pain are gone however swimming would be an acceptable alternative so I will try that this week and hopefully things will progress better.

There is always a way to overcome the challenges we have in life it is just about finding the way to get there and finding my path.

Check out this video out for inspiration because if this gentleman can get healthy when dealing with so many issues, there must be some form of an answer for me.

This man clearly is not me and I don't ever see myself doing yoga, it is just not for me, but how can you not feel inspired seeing his story!

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