Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wednesday Weigh In Day April 6

Sorry everyone for the delay on this; I was in a  car accident on Tuesday and have been stiff and sore which is why the delay on posting this.  I wrote this prior to Wednesday  so it does not reflect my current status.

Happy Wednesday to you all!

Lets get crackin'...

So this last week I had once again had no change in my weight, but this time instead of being frustrated and giving up temporarily like I have done in the past, this time I trucked on through and continued going to the gym and keeping my regular routine. Don't get me wrong I am still frustrated but I am trying to take my frustration out at the gym instead. I know this is a marathon and not the 100 yard dash, slow and steady wins this race. I am feeling skinnier, I notice some clothes are looser than they were before so no matter what the scale says I am getting desired results in one way or the other. 
I will not let the scale define me or dictate what my success is. I briefly thought that I would weigh in once a month but decided against it, I just won't rely on the results as much. Bottom line I am feeling healthier, stronger and feeling like I am making a difference in my own life and in the end is that not the goal? The scale is just a number but my work ethic and consistency in continuing to try and lose this weight is what is most important. 
This week I have just been determined to not let a number cause a set back. What I do plan to do is go in depth of what i am eating and figure out what is going on. I know that the result is not equating to the effort put in. In life we all have road bumps it is how we push through these bumps that will define us. I am choosing to push harder through this and use it as motivation, I will not let my fat self win. I will not let bad habits continue, I will not let my health be defined by lack of effort.
I am working hard at getting my brain set in the right place so I can carry through this. Weightloss is about having your mind on point with emotions, with mentality, with motivation, with reasoning and with conviction, if your mind is not in the right path then you will find excuses for why you will fail, you will seek self-defeating thoughts whether you know it or not. You have trained your brain for so long giving yourself excuses as to why something should not be done or why you cant achieve something. You have done that for so long you actually start to believe it, so now you must question everything and retrain the brain. I talked about this before I know but please know this is not a one time deal; I must continue over and over again questioning everything until I am in the right mindset and that my reactions are automatic and I can recognize the successes I have had without thinking about it. Right now I have to remind myself that I have had success because I don't always physically see it. 
This is all a process, I am working at creating new healthy living habits and changing things and creating these habits take time so I can't let a scale's number be true judgement of where I am at. 

SW 447
LW 426
TW  n/a
+/-    n/a
LTD -21

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