Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday's Rants and Raves - Weightloss or Fat Loss?

Happy Friday to all!

Thank goodness the weekend is here! 

Since my accident I have not been to the gym, though I may go this weekend and go slow, none the less here is my thoughts i have had over the last little while:

The last week or so I have been researching and thinking about my frustration with the weight-loss and where I am erring. and as usual it is my thought process; but alas I think I have a grip on it now! I have been focusing too much on the weight loss and not the fat loss. I had heard the term "It is not about weight-loss but fat loss that we must focus on" and I always thought what the hell is the difference? If I lose weight am I not losing fat? 

The answer to that is yes* (note the asterix). 
Of course I am losing weight but if I focus more on the fat loss it would mean hopefully that I am building more muscle and losing inches, and right now that is very important to me. Well I guess it is all important in the end but that is just it though, in the end the weight will come off it is just logic and science. I am putting in the effort at the gym, eating right (99% of the time anyways) and just doing what is needed to get to where I want to go. 

As I say so many times this journey is 75% about me getting my brain focused properly; relieving myself of the negatives and building myself up with positive thoughts and accurate facts. By setting up my brain for success all other aspects will fall in place. 
Nothing is overnight especially in this journey and I was going through my frustration thinking what is wrong with me? Why am I not losing weight? then i looked in the mirror and noticed that I believe my stomach is flatter. I have finally bought a flexible measuring tape and will soon take my measurements so I have a better point of reference to go with.  (FYI you can get a flexible measuring tape at Walmart in the sewing and crafts section; I paid $2.00 CND for it.)

I hope none of you give up when your frustrated, but rather keep searching for answers and hopefully take my struggles to heart and know that you can also over come this! if I can do it, and I will, then you can as well.

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