Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday Morning Recap March 28 to April 3rd - In Recovery

Happy Monday to everyone! 

This last week was good but a wee bit painful too! I really tried pushing my limits at the gym by putting in more time on weights and the tread mill and by doing this I noticed I am having a lot more fatigue physically and mentally.  My muscles have definitely been feeling the burn but I feel good just tired.

I am looking into what is good for recovery so I don't feel so rundown afterwards. As the science behind it all is still relatively new to me it takes time to find what is right for me and my body and health. I am one of those people if I take an interest in something I need to know all the facts and information behind it.
How to Deal With Muscle Soreness - not loving #1 or #10 but I can handle the rest.:

Here is a great article on muscle recovery:

It is always important to find out the reasoning and how to deal with any issue or speed bump we come across. the internet is a wide world and there is loads of information for us to ingest, there is no excuse for not finding the answers you seek.

Have a great week everyone and see you Wednesday for weigh in day!

PS. - I am very proud of my brother in law - Kevin who has joined the same gym as Tabitha and I; now if I can only convince them both to go in at 4 am like me....

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