Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Weigh In Wednesday - April 13

Weigh in Wednesday for April 13th

I must say with the action (or little there of) that i have seen lately due to my back I am feeling the blahs about this weigh in. Sure it would be nice to know where I am at but I don't have too much faith in losing any and am sure I am around that same or plus a few pounds. 

Who knows though, maybe this break has given my body time to catch up with my work ethic and hustle and has now become accustomed to the diet and lesser extent the routine of healthier living thus my body has responded well and at very least maintained or possibly lost a pound (there is always hope no matter how limited of a chance!).

This weekend I brought out my exercise/yoga ball and did some stretching on it trying to keep the muscles loose and active by doing some crunches. I plan to bring this more into my daily routine as well before leaving the house in the morning. Stretching and warming up is important no matter your size and weight as it helps prevent injuries and gets the blood flowing; but when you are dealing with muscle issues from an injury it is even more so imperative to keep the muscles loose and ready, working out the aches and pains and spasms and trying to not let the muscles seize up. 

I am still not back at the gym and it is frustrating. I feel almost 80% in the morning but by the time noon rolls around my back is all f#@&y and my headaches are just pounding away. I just want to be back to normal and back kicking butt at the gym! I am not going to let this bring me down though! I will get through it but I will listen to what my body says too, i will not do anything to jeopradize my health or my progress long term for getting fit and healthy.

SW:  447
LW:   n/a
TW: 431
+ / -  +5
LTD  -16

God damn it I want this damn injured feeling to go away!!!!

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