Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Struggling to Return

Here I am almost 3 months later and relatively back to normal health, a few minor issues of chronic headaches albeit mild ones, still some tightness but not as bad as it once was.

I had been cleared to go back to work and the gym and it has been a long tiresome journey of trying to get back into the grove of it all. I am doing roughly three days in the gym and wanting to do more but struggle with my motivation and finding time in the day to go in the mornings bright and early, then drive 1 -1/4 to work, do my work, drive home another 1-1/2 or more due to traffic, have dinner and then spend an hour or 2 relaxing before bed. doesn't sound so bad but when you calculate I am up at 3:30 am so I can be at gym by 4 am work out for 2 hours then go home get ready, drive to work, work, drive home,  eat dinner, then relax.. well by 8 pm I'm exhausted and since it is summer and still light out (and being called an old man by some people in my house) I end up staying up later and not getting the adequate rest I need.

My strength is almost back to normal; I met with my Obi-Wan Kelsey and she worked me over pretty good and gave me some new routines to do which I am enjoying, especially the leg press! I am very positive at where I am at all things considering, 5 pounds of weight gained during my time off and strength almost back to 100%, I just need to find my passion and motivation which I seem to have lost.

In life there are always some setbacks from the unexpected, I just need to figure out how to rebound from this.

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