Sunday, January 3, 2016

Taking the Plunge... Determinations Part 2

*** UPDATE *****

I just thought I would offer a brief update from my last post.
Polar Dip plunge is completed. It was quite exhilarating! I very briefly thought i would chicken out as we pulled into parking lot but as I mentioned previously I am going to face my fears head on, or do my best to challenge them this year. There were hundreds of people gathered, laughter and excitement in the air and for me personally a sense of awe and intrigue. I had never done anything like this but have always wanted to. It felt good doing something for me and I am damn proud of it! I look forward to doing it again next year, hopefully I will have some company to go into the lake with me but if not, oh well. Just so you know the lake was around 5 celsius according to the radio station and the air temperature was around minus -8 celsius. 

Here are some pics that I am happy and proud to share and have experienced.

Can you spot me in these 2 pictures?

The following collage is inspiring to me because I can see he blankness in my eyes before I go into the lake then afterwards I see the glimmer of life as i wake.

My loving wife and family came out to support. :)

I'm loving and hating these pictures.. Hating them because I see myself and the project i have before me. Makes me feel overwhelmed; but I love the fact that I did it and that I see myself starting to be an active participant in my own life.

I love this photo! I see life behind my eyes as I wake up from the slumber of my life..

My next journey is coming although I have yet to decide what it is I will face. 
I will say though that while i have only hit my step goal once so far this year (goal is 10,000  steps a day) I have been 25% closer to it than i usually am! I average 35,000 a week or 5000 a day but thus far i average 7400 a day; time to kick this up a notch I'm thinking...

Don't let yourself get yourself as only you can determine your own outcome. 

Only good things to come this 2016 year!

2016 is a book in my life, it has 12 chapters and 365 pages.. what I decide to write in this book is 100% up to me so I am going to make it a damn good one!

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