Monday, January 11, 2016

1 week down... The rest of my life to go..

So here we are again, another week has gone by and life carries on.

Last week I did ok with my steps: 40918 steps in 7 days; it should have been better i know however one day I had taken Tabitha to the doctor and the appointment went longer than we would have liked and I ended up not getting as many steps I should have that day and then yesterday I watched football all day.. Go 'HAWKS! So although it was not 10,000 a day (average 5845) I know it could have been better, and it will be. 

I had gone to the see the Endocrinologist last Friday to get the results of all my tests that I was subjected to over a course of 6 to 8 weeks; blood tests for diabetes, pituitary gland, thyroid, cholesterol, testosterone, white blood cells,  and so forth. There were taking about 8 viles of blood per visit at the lab and one time had me pee in an orange "pail" for a 24 hr period.

Well I got the results...
Apparently I am the epitome of good health.. albeit I do have a high level/extreme level of Sleep Apnea and am overweight, all other results were "excellent" according to Dr. C. 
We talked in depth on those issues and some exercise he would like me to do as well as some results he would like to see come July when I see him next.

He asked that I no longer eat bread and that I lower my carbohydrate intake so that I can go into Ketosis. Here is the definition I found, please click on it for a link to more information:

I have to admit I was nervous going in to see him, who wouldn't be when you have to go through such an arduous task of needles and blood draining, poking and prodding (I think they are all vampires!).
So it was quite a relief when he said that I am fine I just need to lose some weight. To me it is a second chance to do things right before my health goes south! Sure I am in fine health according to the Doc but there is a reality to this all; I'm 42 (43 in July), overweight, live a mostly sedentary life, and I have severe Sleep Apnea thus I am a prime candidate for a heart attack. 
One of my greatest fears is having a heart attack in my sleep and have Tabitha (my wife) wake up to find me dead beside her. Sure maybe she can give CPR or have a paramedic there in time to save me but how will they carry me? I can well imagine if my muscles, bones and joints hurt me because of my weight then how can I expect others to lift me onto a gurney or move me to the floor to give me chest compressions?
So as I said this is a new chance for me to get it right before its too late. I am trying to stay positive and just deal with 1 pound at a time and not so much get overwhelmed with the reality of over half my body weight needs to go. I believe Tabitha is also wanting to make some changes in her habits to support me and make her feel healthier too and I love that she supports me so well with my struggle. 
When grocery shopping on Saturday I was very conscious of my purchases and their carb contents. I like to think we have planned out some healthier meals and options for this week as well. Don't get me wrong we don't, in my opinion, usually buy crap/junk as Tabitha is a vegetarian and we both prefer healthy wholesome ingredients and try not to have much of any processed items, but sometimes we buy an indulgence or something that is questionable however this time everything was subject to the carb and health review.
I am looking forward to February as this is when I have decided I will join Pure to work on my fitness and avoid the slippery snow and frozen fingers. Although I do find walking in the snow with fingers freezing comforting from when I had lost the 160 lbs back in 2004. just wish it never came back with its friends!
Everything is about seeing the positive and the opportunity in things and this is my opportunity to shine, to get my shit together and be healthy. This is my chance to be healthy, I own this opportunity. I won't be stopped because I refuse to let myself beat myself and be a failure at being me.  It just takes one step in front of another, it is never about the destination but the journey, and every journey starts with a single step.
It makes me nervous writing the following down but as I said last couple posts, this is the year of me and confronting the fears.(I am sure it must have something to do with being made fun of when I was in school 25 - 30+ years ago, but I need to let it go, if anyone is angered or upset and uses their words for negativity on it then it truly shows who they are and how they must put others down in order to feel better about them selves.)
SW       447.8
TW       443.0
LOSS    -4.8   
%         1.1%
Go Seahawks!

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