Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Switch.... Part 2

I am so happy with my weigh in this week, I mean seriously 9 pounds in 18 days is a great job. Sure I want bigger numbers per week but let's look at it from a different perspective..

Since Jan 1st I have cut out approximately 75% of my carb intake and tried to walk more everyday.

That is it!

To me it shows the significance of just making small adjustments in my daily life and activity and I have received tremendous results!
I look forward to when I lose more and become more active. I am excited for what those results will entail!
I am sure that I will have some drawbacks and falter a bit when I do change my routine to a more active one but I know that I can achieve so much more when I put the effort into it even more. I recognize when you change up your typical routine it can throw your body into survival mode. I believe this is why it can be hard to lose weight when travelling lots, however I also know that when you get in a routine you can become complacent in what you do and take shortcuts. Shortcuts is what got me to where I am, routine is what brought my health into a dangerous place, complacency is what has made me gain weight.

I am done with not facing the monotony and complacency that has led me to be a spectator in my own life. I won't let it define me anymore. This time next year I want to be in a curling league (a fun one as i have never played before), and be gearing up for a "beer league" softball team that either I or both Tabitha and I can join for fun. A year from now I want to be looking for golf clubs to buy and be making golf a regular habit in the afternoons in the summertime, even if only playing 9 holes. This is part of my goals for next year. but it takes one day at a time, one step at a time. It takes celebrating a victory, no matter how small, but own it as a true accomplishment, knowing it was hard work to get to that goal and with more hard work there will be more goals!
It also takes having people around you who support your idea and goals. People who will give you the support you need to achieve what you are working for. It takes having the drive and determination to get where you want to be and not let anything stop you from being successful.

This weekend we were invited over to dinner at a family members house; now I don't usually discuss with them in open conversation about my weight or eating habits and didn't at this time, (it is funny how I can write about it but open conversation with anyone other than my wife makes me uncomfortable... I guess that is a fear I will have to conquer at some point this year!). Dinner was pasta with meat sauce and salad, I consciously skipped the pasta (and garlic toast) to just have a few leafs of salad. The old me would have just ate it all and gone back for seconds but the new me wont do that. I am making the choices that are best for me not the choices of sacrificing my health and food plan in order to not offend anyone. I know they were not offended at me just having salad and that is great. They are great people and I know they will support me no matter what, but the point I am making is that in social situations it is up to me and only me to make the decisions that are best to me. That choice to cheat, for me, will only result in more cheating and get me going in a direction I am fighting so hard to get away from.

I don't want any of you to follow that path to the dark side either because the dark side DOES have cookies and it will tempt you! That temptation has got me to where I am and controlling it from within, having the determination to say no or to choosing better is more important than the choice of gaining weight, of losing the progress I have made so far, of continuing to put my life and health at risk.
You truly have to want it more than anything else in order to get results.

So many times in the past i gave up because I thought I wasn't worth it or because I knew I would fail anyway so I did not try. I blamed myself for getting in this position and did nothing to get myself out of it. No one can get me out of it except me. Hell I would watch Biggest Loser thinking I can do what they do, then I would eat a bag of chips afterwards! I couldn't do that when watching as I was sure Jillian, Dolvett or Bob would find out and kick my ass (though that would have been a good thing if they did!) !
I just want you to find your drive and spark, let it inspire you and drive you towards success. You need to want it and not just say it. So many times I would say it but never truly mean it, and if you believe it you will truly know it. If you are unsure if you mean it when you say the words that you want to lose weight and do what it takes to get it done, then you wont achieve it. No one can make you do it if your heart isn't in it. You need to find that spark that starts you on the path to finding you!

Keep putting one step infront of the other!

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