Monday, January 18, 2016

Hearing voices in my head is only bad if you let it be... AKA Lesson 1!

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I am trying to stay regular on my postings and so far so good! (After all this is my 5th of the year and we are barely 2 weeks into 2016!)

This last week I have been really focusing on my Carbs intake and I think it has been pretty darn good. I average 100 - 120 carbs a day .. I would like that to drop to 80 to 100 grams of carbs per day if I can but it is still a great number to achieve when first going to a low carb lifestyle! ( I don't like the word diet as most diets people bounce on and off from and I want this to be an ongoing lifestyle.

I have had a few new likes on my Facebook page from near and far. ( I am actually surprised how some people stumble across it as I received a like from someone in Wyoming...  I don't even know anyone in Wyoming but am happy they came by to see what is going on! by the way Welcome to my page Susy K from Wyoming!)

My attitude has been pretty much spot on all week as I am working hard at embracing the challenges I face on doing my best not to waiver, of course some days are better than others!
I have been thinking a lot about just focusing on the little things, trying to change habits and start everything anew. My old way of doing things was not working so it is important I start new habits to hopefully garner success.

I am trying not to make excuses for anything in my daily life, I am trying to walk more when I am at work, I have a desk job  and there is snow outside but as I work in a fabrication facility and I am trying to go and walk through the shop and go up and down the stairs to the storage area more so that I can build my steps up. Yes I know it is not scheduled exercise that I need to do but its a start, that was not an excuse but a step in the right direction; I will have a set time to exercise and that time is coming soon!
I have a few things that I am planning for future blogs and V-logs including hopefully some guest appearances by some awesome people.. but more of that coming in the next little while. Heck, I cant give you everything all at once!
I know as I grow and learn about myself I will be sharing more of who I am and how this journey is going for me and I am excited to share this with you as it comes. I will always be raw and honest with you my favourite reader!  (Shhhh! Don't tell anyone I have favourites!) If I am not honest with myself how can I be honest with you, right?

I find it weird that I find myself thinking throughout the day : "How am I going to get more steps in?"..  What the heck is happening to me? Don't get me wrong I still think of food and what I want to do to it, I am a "retired chef" after all; I cant just kick the habit! I do like this thought process changing though, I think of it as a change of consciousness withing me. Long term I want my story to inspire you and have you find familiarity in my struggle and strength from how I overcame the struggles, it is just that I can't think that far ahead, it is one day at a time, one foot in front of another, my head down and concentrating on where my next step will be. I am hoping a year from now i can lift my head up and turn around to see how far I have come, seeing where i am at and can then see where I need to go and envisioning where I will end up. Right now it is just too far to see and think about.

I have been trying to get out of my head that I am too old or that my end goal will take too long. the fact of the matter is, who cares when I get to the end, its how I get there and that I do arrive. I have mainly been a self defeatist in my life; talking myself out of what I want or need / should do. How can i achieve success with a mental state like that? As I said earlier, it takes a change of mind and attitude to get to where I need to go. As the saying goes " Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.each time". Well, if you want to change anything in this world it starts from within. I am the change I want to be, I just have to believe in myself and show myself I can do it. Prove the nagging cynic within that he is wrong and that I can prove it. Some say I may be crazy and its just the voice in my head, but you know what? They are right! It is the voice in my head! we all have an internal monologue that exists with us and never stops, it is our thoughts and thinking process, why and how we talk our selves out and into things. This has been truly my first step in this journey, to change my internal monologue.  When I can change my self defeating thoughts and start a new dialogue that is supportive and true I believe all other steps will be easy. I am going through the process of questioning each thought and determining if what I am thinking is true or just negative thinking. If it is true, does this thought support my goal of who I want to be? If yes, I keep it, if no then I determine I don't want that thought and figure out why it is a lie to myself. when I can disprove the lies it is easier to throw them out of my mind and start something new. It allows me to build up the positive within myself and help garner strength from within. in turn I can't fail if I won't let myself fail! There are just too many tools out there to help me get to where I need to be so how can I fail? If I want to know what others do I go to Youtube; if I want to see what diets are working for others or what meal plans are low carbs there is Yummly App or Uncle Google (he knows everything!). If I want to see a workout and how its done as I have never done it, again Youtube. Shopping lists = Google. food and exercise diaries = My Fitness Pal.
Making excuses of not knowing where to start is only wanting to fail, we all (or most of us at least.. LOL!) have common sense and internet access so saying you don't know where to start is only an excuse. You want advice?? Here it is, the biggest advice I or anyone else can ever give: It is in you to succeed, you just have to want it, chase after it and do everything you can to get it. There is no secret, there is no pill, there is no miracle, there is only your determination to want and have it and all that takes work!

Oh what an interesting and exciting journey this will be! I am glad you are here and hope you stay for the ride!

SW   447.8
LW   443
TW   438.8
DIF     -4.2
LTD     -9
TD %   2.01%

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