Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Year of Scotty Mac 2.0 - the upgrade

It is no surprise that this last year was sucky. It started off pretty good, I was on the road to being healthier but got sidetracked; not by falling off the healthy train or stopping because of lack of motivation but instead because of a car accident that side tracked me for 8 months. Being healthy is something that has been on my mind all year, no just getting over my concussion and post concussion syndrome but my better living habits starting with diet and excercise. 

I think I am going to start this year off again with a polar bear swim; this will be the second time doing so, I like to think I have started a tradition for myself. Last year I was told by both my brother in laws that they would do it this year so we will wait and see if it is true. 
I am also planning to continue to commit to myself to exercising everyday for atleast 1 hour, now this may not be a full workout and might just be a walk some days but I am wanting to make 1 hour of me time a day to continue my healthy journey even on these "off" days; I still want to have 5 to 6 days of workouts none the less.
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Diet as always will be my biggest issue. Working hard to learn more about nutrition and getting the proper nutrients for the right effect. Eating healthy is one thing but getting the proper balance of what my body needs in order to help the weightloss is more than just no sugar, less carbs, more greens and more lean protiens; I want to become a self "expert" on this for my own health. 
Image result for healthy eating meme
A new year is new opprotunity and I am not one to be saying that everything must start on a Monday or next week or the first of the month or even the first of the year as things should always start with the moment we live in and not be put off until whenever. Changes must also be small and start in stages which I have been working on all year; rather though January 1st will just be a re-commitment to myself and renewing my efforts that I have already been putting in. 
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This year is more focus on the internal for me while working on the external. I want to understand more why I have this weight; what drives me to binge eat or sneak food. I want to get to know the reason so I can change the habit and not slip off the slippery slope of denial and failure. there will be ups and successes and there will be downs and failures but the key is to change it from a plethora of downs to more ups and then have the journey plateau on a high without the chance of a massive let down but that all starts within. Even the unconscious mind can take control what the conscious mind wants even when opposing in views.  

Image result for gym goals memes

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