Sunday, January 1, 2017

Tidal waves, Polar Bears and accountability... what the New Year will bring..

It is just a few days before New Years and I am thinking of the restart I am working on. 
I had come so far only to lose my progress; I am trying not to let this struggle get to me, and for the most part on that I have been successfull. I fully understand that there will always be hills and valleys in this weightloss journey, and it is solely up to me to limit those valleys and hills. Controlling the ebb and flow of the tides that influencenses our day and how we react to those waves is an integral part of success.

Image result for weightloss and ebb and flow of the tides
For so long I have fought against the tide, struggled to stay above water, struggled to survive the storms, fighting to prevent the waves at all and now I think I am finally realizing that I can't fight the tide, I can't change what can not be changed, I can only change how I react to it. No matter the ups or downs I have I must just simply carry on and adjust to it, I am truly trying to let go of the angst and anxiety I have with my weight; trying to stay focused on the long term goal opposed to what is happening in the present moment. It is hard though as we as a society want immediate knowledge and gratification; we want instant results to justify and reinforce our actions.

Image result for weightloss and ebb and flow of the tides

With this in mind I believe I have to re-do my goals. I am starting from scratch again and my goals have to reflect that despite what I accomplished this year because I have had such a set back, because I was on Injured Reserve for nearly 8 months.

  1. Polar bear swim .. again (2nd year in a row)
  2. Choose Better - Be more conscious of meal choices
  3. Be more Active - by working out a minimum 5 times a week
  4. Get moving - Averaging over 60,000 steps a week
  5. Celebrate my victories - recognize achievements that I have reached and reward myself accorfdingly for the work I have put into achieving it.
  6. Do more things that make me uncomfortable/insecure of.
  7. Lose 50 pounds
  8. Lose 100 pounds
  9. Lose 150 pounds
  10. Lose 200 pounds
  11. Reach goal weight of 180 pounds
  12. Be able to buy clothes at a normal store not a big and tall store.
  13. Not need a sleep Apnea machine
  14. Join a fun league sports team for each season of the year
  15. Take up running then do a Disney Marathon (and/or 1/2 marathon) with my wife
  16. Take a fitness class such as kick boxing or MMA type class
  17. Log my Progress - work on a photo journey of my progress (every month wearing the same shirt that does not fit until it does.)
  18. Consistency - increase my exercise weight training weights until I reach my preset goals (have yet to determine these goals but will post them when I have a realistic goal in mind with help of my trainer.)
  19. Accountability - log my food and exercise on a consistent daily basis (minimum 5 days a week)
  20. Re-read / re-do Life Strategies book - to rebuild my thinking processes to help me succeed.
  21. Be a better friend to myself - be as supportive and positive thinking to myself as I am to my friends and family
  22. Have more successes than failures this year in my weightloss goals (cross off 12 different items from this list by years end - not including this goal)
So these goals are soley based on my journey to be healthy as I do have a few more that I would like to achieve. I know that some of these goals are extremely tough to reach in one years time however they are not meant to be strictly one years worth of goals but more of a long term goal which is why number 22 is to cross off more than half of these items from the list. I will do a review of this list come June 1st to see where my progress is and see if I am on course to achieving what I am setting out to do.

Image result for weightloss and ebb and flow of the tides

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