Saturday, December 17, 2016

Consistency is a Struggle that Starts with Accountability!

One of my biggest inconsistencies is logging my food intake and excercise which I do know is vital to not only keeping myself accountable but to see my progression as well. I have just made up a logging page for my excecises that hopefully I will remember to take with me to the gym. 

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I want to see how my strength is progressing and see what areas I am not dedicating myself enough to. I am a person of routine and like to get myself staying on a consitent basis but sometimes I may skip an excercise or two depending on how i feel or what I am doing. my idea is that if I log what i am doing and say one day I do 4 sets at one weight on a certain machine and next day I do 2 set and the day after I do 6 sets or no sets I want to see this and correct it so I stay consistent.

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In my view positive results come from consistency and I know that when I am consitent my goals will be attained. When I falter with this I will sneak food, i will binge, I will make poor choices I will become more of what I am fighting against. When I am consistent I will stay focused on my goals, I will make the wise choices I will stay determined to win the battle and my journey to my goals will be clearer. 

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For me I have to constantly hold myself accountable for my actions so that I can stay focused on my goals. Accountability is something I have never shyed away from as i would much rather face the criticism or praise over the alternative of deny-ability of what is real. Denying what has happened in my life and how it affects me is partially why I am the way I am. Saying to myself "I am not that big" or " It's okay if I eat this because of ..." is just denying the real me of whatever situation I am facing in which I have typically used food as the comfort to the denial. 

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I understand from me being a former chef  that I have an association with food and the emotional response food has given to not just myself but to others. We almost always use food and drink as a way of celebration or a way to cope with loss; Thanksgiving, Birthdays, Christmas, funerals and general get togethers are a source of caloric intake in some form. this intake at such events are associated with emotions, think of it when you were 8 or whatever age and went to your best friends birthday, you probably went out with a bunch of friends and had pizza and cake along with laughter with friendship, a pleasant memory. When a loved on passed away you met at the funeral and afterwards went to someones house where there was a spread of finger foods as people shared memories of that person. Your sibling was back packing Europe for a year and before they left you all went out and had some drinks and some appies at a going away party. Food and memories / emotions are all too often interconnected and I get that; alot of the times it is the customary norm however it is when you associate the depression, the boredom the mundane of daily life that you may struggle with, like I do, is when the emotional bond with food is the strongest. Food releases a chemical reaction in alot of obese people that creates that comforting feeling, acceptance of the emotions of the moment and in turn perpetuates the cycle of eating because depressed / depressed because of eating.  

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My goal from day one has been to stop and recognize the cycle of this dangerous tandem of emotions and food and to change how I react to the negatives in my life. To find new alternatives and new ways of dealing with my faults to make them my strengths is one of my big focuses and will remain so for the rest of my life. If it does nto remain my focus for the long haul I will always be doomed to repeat this cycle that is killing me. This is the area that I am trying to build the consistency of success in. When one success leads to another which leads to yet another next thing I will have is a habit, and when I have a habit of logging, of staying consistent with food choices, with excercise, with positive and effective actions then the journey to finding me will be much easier.

Image result for consistency at the gym

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