Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Escape From That What Binds Us!

I am so happy that I was medically cleared on Friday to go back to normal life from my Physiotherapist. It has been a challenging journey thus far and I know that it is not yet 100% over yet as there may be some flare ups along the way as nothing ever seems to be just so easy and cut and dry; I am just enjoying the moment of being able to resume life as I know it.
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The friday I was cleared for work i got nearly 9800 steps of my 10.000 goal, had i known i was so close when i went to bed i would have done a couple laps around the kitchen island to hit the mark. I went to bed and set my alarm to go to the gym first thing in the morning. I was up at 5am and was at the gym at 5:30 am and my 24 hr key pass did not work. I thought to myself that the door must not be working properly as I know my account is auto withdrawl and have not recieved any emails saying there was an issue. I head back home and decide I will go again when I take Tabitha to work at 8:30 as the main doors will be open by then.
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I drop the Mrs off at work go and get gas ( I was driving with the pesky little red light screaming at me to put gas in) and then head to the gym. I arrive and talk to them about my morning issue and she rings my name up in the computer, lo and behold they did not recieve any payment. This is weird I thought and so I suggested I pay now but the girl at the counter was unsure how to clear this off my account so she says she will have her boss take care of this when she gets in but would email her to let her know. So i walk to the car and as I am walking I remember that something liked this happened back in the spring before my accident and I recieved an email link to my account. I sit in my car going through my phone to find the link, open it up and sure enough it says there is an outstanding of which i process myself and pay it right away. I walk back in to the gym to talk to the girl again, explain i just paid on my phone and ask her to verify they got it. sure enough they did, however this amount was for something else, of which she did not know what for, and that my account is still not cleared even though they recieved my payment.
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What the .....? She emailed her boss, I went home frustrated; I was all ready to work out 3 times this Saturday morning and was shot down three times.
I get home and about an hour later i get a message saying that all is clear to go to the gym but I had to get ready in a short time to go to a lodge meeting so I did not go. I was relieved that it was cleared up but now I wonder why I paid another $46 and what it was for! I emailed the girl back to ask for her to have her boss clear this up for me as I am not a fan of paying for things twice.

I got ready for lodge, putting on my nice new shirt and pants for the Installation of new officers at my lodge. I get to lodge and go to take my chair and i feel a pull at the seat of my pants, I get up and go to the bathroom real quick before lodge starts to check my pants and sure enough it tears. During lodge everytime I stand up and sit it tears more. At some point I have to join a procession and walk around the lodge with the paranoia of my ass hanging out of my pants infront of my peers. Afterwards I went directly home and checked out the tear to see how bad it was. Ends up that the tear was on both sides of the centre seam and was about 12 to 14 inches in length . My brand new pants! which was 1 size bigger than my every day pants to make sure they were roomy. WTF!!!
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I was very done with this day at this point, I wanted a drink to take the edge off and looked forward to when I could have one after picking up the Mrs from her work. I eventually picked up Tabitha and had my drink and began anew the next morning getting to the gym around 5:45 and getting in a solid 80 minutes.
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What a great first workout in a long time . I took it easy with weights and intensity but still pushed myself the right amount not to overdo it. You know when it is a great workout when you are all sweaty and you notice your muscles have a minor tremor when at rest as you lean up to the water fountain or against a wall. It felt good to be back.  I was leary of how i would feel this Monday morning as it had been so long since i have had a good workout. I decided to take the following day, Monday, off and when I woke up and felt a bit tight but good none the less.
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My jourrney has started again and I have never truly given up on myself. My want to change has come from within and once you have that all it takes is on step forward and then the momentum is already with you.

Image result for one step creates momentum

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