Saturday, January 14, 2017

2017 The Year That Can Be,,,

I have decided to not be quite so forthcoming in my blog posts here with all of what is going on in my personal weightloss struggle world; but instead I want to focus more on creating a better mentality and personal dynamic more than the actual number on the scale or the efforts per week at the gym. I just dont want to be focusing too much on a number as I feel for me it becomes an overwhelming focus and the pressure to achieve the same weeks numbers or better get to me and failure to reach those numbers can set me off in a tailspin.

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Currently I am being conscious of staying away from the scale. I know my starting point which was more than last January at the same time, my struggles from my accident this year was an influencing factor for certain but the mental aspect I believe was more deciding. I need to have a healthy mind which in turn will create a healthier process in achieving my goals. I have not decided yet if I will weigh myself on February 1st or March 1st (I am leaning to March 1st) to see my progress, I will let you know the results when I do.

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I firmly believe weightloss is 80% mindset and 20% effort. So many times I know I have hit the snooze button when it is time to go for a workout, or told myself I would go to the gym later and then find another excuse not to. I believe this is something many of us obese people are doing, making excuses is what has gotten us into the health situation we are in. We talk ourselves out of it before we even begin and thus not giving ourselves a fair chance just to be successful.

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I tell myself at 3:15am every morning when my alarm goes off "You will feel better after you're done." amd "You cant make excuses anymore, just get up and do it.". Now I know as I go back to being more in a routine and my habits start to build this conversation with myself will lesson and I will have the opposite effect when thinking of skipping, I know this because I was there before when I had lost the 160lbs the first time. Those days back when I ended up saying to myself "You can't skip today, you have been at it for 27 days straight!" or " You are 8 pounds away from ____! Don't you want those pounds gone?!" 

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No matter which stage you are in you need to have the right mind set or you will sabotage yourself no matter what; it may not be today nor tomorrow but you will be setting yourself up for failure none the less. This can't be a casual commitment it has to be a long term relationship you have with yourself. Obviously going all or nothing can be dangerous as well. Going all gung-ho when you are not used to that life style as well is setting yourself up for failure. 

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Commit yourself to minor changes, to make better more consistent decisions and then the mental work gets easier. Choose to start a new habit of excercise even if it is just 1 hr, choose to have a salad for lunch instead of a burger or sub, choose to only have a few drinks on Friday or Saturday not both, choose to walk up 3 flights of stairs instead of use the elevator every other day. Small little changes can surmount into an avalanche of change as long as you want to make the conscious decision to make that change within you.

Image result for minor changes in mentality can affect your weight

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