Monday, January 30, 2017

Making Healthy .. The Key to Eating Tasty, Healthy Food

Since my last post was Breaking Bad... Habits, i thought I would go with a making healthy food topic.
Image result for making healthy food
Obviously this is a favorite subject of mine given I am a former chef. I love cooking and creating and learning new things and what better way to learn and create than when on a healthy lifestyle plan! Tabitha and I are currently trying to limit as much bad carbs and dairy as possible so getting creative with our meal planning is quite interesting so that we are not having the same 4 or 5 meals every week. There are lots of recipes out on the inter-webby-thing and I never really use recipes that are already published because I like the idea of creating my own twist and spin on things so I will find a recipe and use it as a general idea. I tweak the recipes I find  and change a few things until it is a new creation or I will just pick one of my faves and find alternatives to certain ingredients.

Image result for zucchini lasagna

Case in point this last week I had heard my wife Tabitha say she was craving my special lasagna that I make so i decided to experiment. I nearly pulled off the perfect substitute too, it just took some outside the box thinking. I substituted Zucchini for lasagna sheets and found some decent soy "cheese" and off I went. I reduced the amount of homemade pasta sauce as I knew it would contribute to the excess moisture from the zucchini; unfortunately it did not quite work out 100% as it was still watery. I learned though, that next time I will grill the zucchini on the George Foreman grill first and heat up the tomato sauce so that when everything is all assembled I will only have to melt the "cheese" in the oven instead of baking for almost 1 hour and having a partial soup. I will say that it tasted wicked awesome! I made enough for 8 people and after using My Fitness Pal app I found out it came to around 445 calories per portion! 

Image result for chicken mushroom with coconut milk

I also make a tasty Mushroom chicken where I substitute whipping cream with canned coconut milk and it is hardly noticeable and tastes great and it is 485 calories per portion. There are just so many things you can try and develop on your own if you do a little research into viable options and you use a little ingenuity. I always say that when it comes to cooking and creating you are only limited by your imagination. Also what a great and fun way to learn and experiment and feel accomplished when you make a great meal that is tasty, satisfying and healthy for you!

If anyone is wanting some of my recipes on healthy eating let me know and I will start healthy recipe posts to this page.

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