Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Year of Scotty Mac 2.0 - the upgrade

It is no surprise that this last year was sucky. It started off pretty good, I was on the road to being healthier but got sidetracked; not by falling off the healthy train or stopping because of lack of motivation but instead because of a car accident that side tracked me for 8 months. Being healthy is something that has been on my mind all year, no just getting over my concussion and post concussion syndrome but my better living habits starting with diet and excercise. 

I think I am going to start this year off again with a polar bear swim; this will be the second time doing so, I like to think I have started a tradition for myself. Last year I was told by both my brother in laws that they would do it this year so we will wait and see if it is true. 
I am also planning to continue to commit to myself to exercising everyday for atleast 1 hour, now this may not be a full workout and might just be a walk some days but I am wanting to make 1 hour of me time a day to continue my healthy journey even on these "off" days; I still want to have 5 to 6 days of workouts none the less.
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Diet as always will be my biggest issue. Working hard to learn more about nutrition and getting the proper nutrients for the right effect. Eating healthy is one thing but getting the proper balance of what my body needs in order to help the weightloss is more than just no sugar, less carbs, more greens and more lean protiens; I want to become a self "expert" on this for my own health. 
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A new year is new opprotunity and I am not one to be saying that everything must start on a Monday or next week or the first of the month or even the first of the year as things should always start with the moment we live in and not be put off until whenever. Changes must also be small and start in stages which I have been working on all year; rather though January 1st will just be a re-commitment to myself and renewing my efforts that I have already been putting in. 
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This year is more focus on the internal for me while working on the external. I want to understand more why I have this weight; what drives me to binge eat or sneak food. I want to get to know the reason so I can change the habit and not slip off the slippery slope of denial and failure. there will be ups and successes and there will be downs and failures but the key is to change it from a plethora of downs to more ups and then have the journey plateau on a high without the chance of a massive let down but that all starts within. Even the unconscious mind can take control what the conscious mind wants even when opposing in views.  

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Saturday, December 24, 2016

A Merry Christmas Update

First of all I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and hope that this time of season you find love acceptance and peace in your life and in your heart. I know this can be a time of sadness and regret for some but it can also be a time of love and forgiveness. The strength to overcome the darkness that can envelope you comes from within and the light of hope is what shines when you open your mind and heart.

So the last few weeks I have been back at it at the gym and have been working at logging my exercise routine and to a much lesser extent my food diary. Baby steps. I am enjoying logging my workouts so that I can see where I am struggling and what I am working on and where my strength is at. I feel that before I was logging I was not consistent with the weiights on each machine as i was from the day before, but now I know where to begin and where I am going. I admit sometimes I do lower some weights on certain machines but I will then do an extra set to make up the difference and not truly take a day off. I am excited for the coming year to see my progress and where I go and to see the results of my strengthening. 
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My favorite thing so far to work on is my legs, specifically my leg press. Currently I am doing between 360 lbs and 430 lbs and my goal in the next few months (by March 1st) is to be doing 500 lbs sets. That number just blows my mind, I knew I have always had strong legs but my goodness that is impressive to me.I also enjoy doing the pectoral fly and the low row and I am working on setting some new year goals on these as well. The more I think of it the more I am enjoying doing all the weight machines. When I started at the gym, before I started with my trainer Kelsey, I was intimdated by the machines and afraid of doing things wrong or looking stupid, but now I dont feel so intimdated or afraid of looking stupid. I do still have apprehension about others being in the gym when I work out as I like to be alone and in my own world to do my own thing but life isn't like that and to be perfectly honest I have had 97% good experiences with others who are there when I go. Most have been encouraging and have said "good job" or "see you tomorrow, right?" or even just given me a high five, all of which makes me feel more at ease. 
Everyday when I go to the gym and start to feel anxious about others being around I just remind myself that they are more concerned with what they are doing and look like to even notice what I am doing or look like, and the only non-awesome experience has been when the odd meat head comes in and doesnt wipe down the machine after they get their sweat all over it or the hover around/over me as I am on a machine and they are waiting to use it. All in all though I have had no real issues with what I thought would be snide comments, giggling whispers or gawking at me, the fat man on the treadmill. When I think someone may be one of these types of people I just try to put my best foot forward and show them my dedication or go and do a 430 pound leg press and let them see my strength (perhaps that last approach is ego or testosterone).
Now it is very well known that Christmas Holiday time is a time for indulgence, a time for sweets, liquid libations, holiday get togethers and all things counter productive to the weightloss journey and this is my struggle this month more than any other. I am still doing my baking of Scottish shortbread, fudge butter tarts and the like but plan to give it all away. I also plan to still go to the gym and make relative smart choices. I am no dummy and I know there will be some falling off the healthy path but I am going to make sure that it is in moderation and that I still go to the gym and get a good work out in the morning before the day begins, yes even on Christmas Day!  I can't let up on this goal I have of living healthier, ever day presents a new challenge and quite often I wake up thinking I don't want to go to the gym as I am too tired or some other excuse and everyday I tell myself I will feel better afterwards and that I can't make excuses now as I have been doing that for the last 11 food to be 12 years. This is my time and I wont let it slip by me again as you never know if this will be my last chance. 

Anyways, I once again want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I would also like to thank you all for your blessings of love and encouragement this past year as I have shared my journey with all of you. This journey will continue in 2017.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Consistency is a Struggle that Starts with Accountability!

One of my biggest inconsistencies is logging my food intake and excercise which I do know is vital to not only keeping myself accountable but to see my progression as well. I have just made up a logging page for my excecises that hopefully I will remember to take with me to the gym. 

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I want to see how my strength is progressing and see what areas I am not dedicating myself enough to. I am a person of routine and like to get myself staying on a consitent basis but sometimes I may skip an excercise or two depending on how i feel or what I am doing. my idea is that if I log what i am doing and say one day I do 4 sets at one weight on a certain machine and next day I do 2 set and the day after I do 6 sets or no sets I want to see this and correct it so I stay consistent.

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In my view positive results come from consistency and I know that when I am consitent my goals will be attained. When I falter with this I will sneak food, i will binge, I will make poor choices I will become more of what I am fighting against. When I am consistent I will stay focused on my goals, I will make the wise choices I will stay determined to win the battle and my journey to my goals will be clearer. 

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For me I have to constantly hold myself accountable for my actions so that I can stay focused on my goals. Accountability is something I have never shyed away from as i would much rather face the criticism or praise over the alternative of deny-ability of what is real. Denying what has happened in my life and how it affects me is partially why I am the way I am. Saying to myself "I am not that big" or " It's okay if I eat this because of ..." is just denying the real me of whatever situation I am facing in which I have typically used food as the comfort to the denial. 

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I understand from me being a former chef  that I have an association with food and the emotional response food has given to not just myself but to others. We almost always use food and drink as a way of celebration or a way to cope with loss; Thanksgiving, Birthdays, Christmas, funerals and general get togethers are a source of caloric intake in some form. this intake at such events are associated with emotions, think of it when you were 8 or whatever age and went to your best friends birthday, you probably went out with a bunch of friends and had pizza and cake along with laughter with friendship, a pleasant memory. When a loved on passed away you met at the funeral and afterwards went to someones house where there was a spread of finger foods as people shared memories of that person. Your sibling was back packing Europe for a year and before they left you all went out and had some drinks and some appies at a going away party. Food and memories / emotions are all too often interconnected and I get that; alot of the times it is the customary norm however it is when you associate the depression, the boredom the mundane of daily life that you may struggle with, like I do, is when the emotional bond with food is the strongest. Food releases a chemical reaction in alot of obese people that creates that comforting feeling, acceptance of the emotions of the moment and in turn perpetuates the cycle of eating because depressed / depressed because of eating.  

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My goal from day one has been to stop and recognize the cycle of this dangerous tandem of emotions and food and to change how I react to the negatives in my life. To find new alternatives and new ways of dealing with my faults to make them my strengths is one of my big focuses and will remain so for the rest of my life. If it does nto remain my focus for the long haul I will always be doomed to repeat this cycle that is killing me. This is the area that I am trying to build the consistency of success in. When one success leads to another which leads to yet another next thing I will have is a habit, and when I have a habit of logging, of staying consistent with food choices, with excercise, with positive and effective actions then the journey to finding me will be much easier.

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Sunday, December 11, 2016

My Journey to Who I am

 On this journey of self discovery I have to review all the significant events that have helped define me and who I am. We are all a representative of what we have experienced and achieved; the good moments, the great moments and the bad / not so great moments in our life and how we reacted to them define our personality. This has shaped our way of interacting with the world and created the people we have become in the present. 

Now what if I told you that what happened to you in the past and how you reacted may not actually be the truth? 

No I am not drunk or off my rocker. 

Imagine for a moment before we dive into it, that something that happened in your life that affected you deeply may have created a false reality that is not apart of the real you. Would you be willing to visit that moment in your life and change your reaction to it?

Let me share a personal example.

I remember when I was younger going up to my dad and asking him to change the nic name he had for me. He used to call me his little "Fatso" and I hated it, i knew it was degrading and made me feel bad for myself so I asked him to change it. My father was a good man and I know he would never do anything intentionally to hurt me or emotionally scar me but it hurt every time he called me that name, so i asked him for a change. "Slimbo" was the result, I was happy with the change but the thought that it may have been sarcasm hadn't initially set in but did over time and I resented that name too. It made me feel less than who I really was, it made me feel not worth anything, it hurt to hear the name. 
Fast forward to 2003/2004 when I first journeyed into the world of self help and Dr Phil books which is when I found "Self Matters - Creating your Life from the Inside out" by Dr. Phil McGraw.

I read many of his books as I was going through self discovery and this event popped up to mind. 

The reality of the nick name happened there is no denying it, but analyzing if the way it made me feel was true to who I am is where things began for me. Am i worthless? Am less than who I am? the answer is a resounding NO. I do have value and worth in this world. I am not worth less than anyone else so. So this perception and how I once believed that I was not worth anything and that my life had no value was not true. My personal memory was a lie and not true, so why keep this memory as something that defines me? It is a garbage memory and one that is not true, it is not something that truly defines me, so i decided to delete the thoughts and how it made me feel. 

By doing this constantly and consistently I began to change my internal dialogue and how I truly viewed myself. I began to change the negative thinking I always had, I began to change the depression  I suffered from and started to see the positive from within. I began to lose weight, I began to see my own potential, I began to live how I felt I deserved and I began to enter the world of happiness. 

I follwed Dr. Phil's advice and found my authentic self, I wrote down several events in my life and questioned them to thier validity. If something was valid and true to who I am I accepted it as apart of me, if it was not true then i disregarded it and wrote out as to why it was not true to my authentic self so that I had words on paper to show my reasoning thus further impacting my beliefs by having facts to support my claims of invalidity.

It all starts from within though. You have to want to find the truth within you as there is never an easy answer that someone else can give you. Change comes from actions and from those action you can create a new perception of your own reality. By jounaling I began to changemy outlook on my life and who I am. In time we tend to forget who we are as we are swept up in the dust of daily life so we all must take that moment to step back and review where we are at. 13 years is too long for me to not have stepped back into this line of thought and pattern of living that I have created the mess I am in now, so now it is up to me to change it.

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Are you living your true self?

Take this test and see:

The profile that follows will help you see the degree to which your current life experience — how you are thinking, feeling, and living — compares to what your experience would be if you were living an ideal, fully authentic, and fulfilling life. This test takes you through a three-step process.
First, you will describe your full potential by rating yourself on certain dimensions as you would be at your best.
Second, you’ll rate yourself on the same dimensions, this time as those dimensions reflect who and what you believe you really are.
Third, you will determine the percentage of difference between the two. The comparison will give you an early benchmark as to the health of your self-concept and the extent to which you are living true to yourself.

Step 1: Circle all the words that you think describe the ideal person you want to be, the person you believe is the full potential of who you are and will ever be.
pretty attractive beautiful cute nice-looking appealing cool sweet spiritual wise nice friendly faithful leader strong supportive moral ethical principled good honest decent warm loving tender warmhearted demonstrative caring kind affectionate cordial hospitable welcoming amiable cheerful passionate fiery enthusiastic zealous arrogant egocentric altruistic sympathetic humane selfless philanthropic smart dependent free gentle thoughtful domineering submissive autonomous creative compassionate self-sufficient private liberated conventional objective elegant clever stylish intelligent quick charming tidy neat thoughtful attentive careful watchful alert reliable inspired inventive resourceful ingenious productive exciting energetic lively vigorous bouncy active joyful blissful pleased ecstatic cheery sane rational sensible reasonable normal complete capable genuine inspiring proud approachable peaceful honest giving nurturing accomplished whole perfect undivided achiever great confident compassionate content humble unassuming happy satisfied comfortable at ease relaxed able knowledgeable skilled proficient expert adept rich wealthy affluent prosperous full gorgeous valuable abundant fruitful powerful deep prolific understanding dynamic useful helpful constructive beneficial positive functional worthwhile

Now count the number of words you circled in Step 1. This will be called the Total Potential Score.
________ = Total Potential Score

Step 2: Now circle the words below that describe how you actually are at present.
pretty attractive beautiful cute nice-looking appealing cool sweet spiritual wise nice friendly faithful leader strong supportive moral ethical principled good honest decent warm loving tender warmhearted demonstrative caring kind affectionate cordial hospitable welcoming amiable cheerful passionate fiery enthusiastic zealous arrogant egocentric altruistic sympathetic humane selfless philanthropic smart dependent free gentle thoughtful domineering submissive autonomous creative compassionate self-sufficient private liberated conventional objective elegant clever stylish intelligent quick charming tidy neat thoughtful attentive careful watchful alert reliable inspired inventive resourceful ingenious productive exciting energetic lively vigorous bouncy active joyful blissful pleased ecstatic cheery sane rational sensible reasonable normal complete capable genuine inspiring proud approachable peaceful honest giving nurturing accomplished whole perfect undivided achiever great confident compassionate content humble unassuming happy satisfied comfortable at ease relaxed able knowledgeable skilled proficient expert adept rich wealthy affluent prosperous full gorgeous valuable abundant fruitful powerful deep prolific understanding dynamic useful helpful constructive beneficial positive functional worthwhile

Now count the number of words you circled in Step 2. This will be called the Actual Self Score.
________ = Actual Self Score

Step 3: The Congruency Score is the percentage of words you circled in Step 2 (Actual Self Score) as compared to the total words scored in Step 1 (Total Potential Score).
If you are uncomfortable figuring out your score mathematically, you can use the table here to get an estimate, which you can fill in above.

If your score is 90 to 100 percent: You are operating in your full potential range most of the time, finding happiness and joy from within. You are fulfilling your mission as you see it and probably have good mental health.
If your score is 75 to 89 percent: You are in the positive range of living consistently with your authentic self. You have escaped serious damage to your personal truth. You have good self-esteem that will help you be successful.
If your score is 50 to 74 percent: You are in the positive range and have realized some good aspects of who you are. However, you are missing some important aspects, powerful strengths, and goals that are true to your authentic self. You very likely have some self-doubt and lack of self-confidence in truly appreciating your potential.
If your score is 35 to 49 percent: You are limiting yourself and using only a small part of who you really are, because you have listened to the world telling you who you are instead of being guided by an undistorted personal truth and self-concept. Much work is needed.
If your score is 1 to 34 percent: You are living in your fictional self. Your personal truth and self-concept have been seriously damaged and distorted. You are wasting precious life energy. Your power is infected with fictional concepts and your efforts are misdirected to goals that are not your own.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Escape From That What Binds Us!

I am so happy that I was medically cleared on Friday to go back to normal life from my Physiotherapist. It has been a challenging journey thus far and I know that it is not yet 100% over yet as there may be some flare ups along the way as nothing ever seems to be just so easy and cut and dry; I am just enjoying the moment of being able to resume life as I know it.
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The friday I was cleared for work i got nearly 9800 steps of my 10.000 goal, had i known i was so close when i went to bed i would have done a couple laps around the kitchen island to hit the mark. I went to bed and set my alarm to go to the gym first thing in the morning. I was up at 5am and was at the gym at 5:30 am and my 24 hr key pass did not work. I thought to myself that the door must not be working properly as I know my account is auto withdrawl and have not recieved any emails saying there was an issue. I head back home and decide I will go again when I take Tabitha to work at 8:30 as the main doors will be open by then.
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I drop the Mrs off at work go and get gas ( I was driving with the pesky little red light screaming at me to put gas in) and then head to the gym. I arrive and talk to them about my morning issue and she rings my name up in the computer, lo and behold they did not recieve any payment. This is weird I thought and so I suggested I pay now but the girl at the counter was unsure how to clear this off my account so she says she will have her boss take care of this when she gets in but would email her to let her know. So i walk to the car and as I am walking I remember that something liked this happened back in the spring before my accident and I recieved an email link to my account. I sit in my car going through my phone to find the link, open it up and sure enough it says there is an outstanding of which i process myself and pay it right away. I walk back in to the gym to talk to the girl again, explain i just paid on my phone and ask her to verify they got it. sure enough they did, however this amount was for something else, of which she did not know what for, and that my account is still not cleared even though they recieved my payment.
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What the .....? She emailed her boss, I went home frustrated; I was all ready to work out 3 times this Saturday morning and was shot down three times.
I get home and about an hour later i get a message saying that all is clear to go to the gym but I had to get ready in a short time to go to a lodge meeting so I did not go. I was relieved that it was cleared up but now I wonder why I paid another $46 and what it was for! I emailed the girl back to ask for her to have her boss clear this up for me as I am not a fan of paying for things twice.

I got ready for lodge, putting on my nice new shirt and pants for the Installation of new officers at my lodge. I get to lodge and go to take my chair and i feel a pull at the seat of my pants, I get up and go to the bathroom real quick before lodge starts to check my pants and sure enough it tears. During lodge everytime I stand up and sit it tears more. At some point I have to join a procession and walk around the lodge with the paranoia of my ass hanging out of my pants infront of my peers. Afterwards I went directly home and checked out the tear to see how bad it was. Ends up that the tear was on both sides of the centre seam and was about 12 to 14 inches in length . My brand new pants! which was 1 size bigger than my every day pants to make sure they were roomy. WTF!!!
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I was very done with this day at this point, I wanted a drink to take the edge off and looked forward to when I could have one after picking up the Mrs from her work. I eventually picked up Tabitha and had my drink and began anew the next morning getting to the gym around 5:45 and getting in a solid 80 minutes.
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What a great first workout in a long time . I took it easy with weights and intensity but still pushed myself the right amount not to overdo it. You know when it is a great workout when you are all sweaty and you notice your muscles have a minor tremor when at rest as you lean up to the water fountain or against a wall. It felt good to be back.  I was leary of how i would feel this Monday morning as it had been so long since i have had a good workout. I decided to take the following day, Monday, off and when I woke up and felt a bit tight but good none the less.
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My jourrney has started again and I have never truly given up on myself. My want to change has come from within and once you have that all it takes is on step forward and then the momentum is already with you.

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Starting over again

I feel like I am starting over again. The count down to the restart of getting back to my goals from what was first laid out at the begining of the year. I do feel like I have a better head start to achieving my goals as I have already had a bunch of sessions with my trainer and am more familiar with the equipment at the gym. I almost feel like you do when you have bought your movie ticket to Harry Potter or The Force Awakens, I have my ticket and just anticipating the start of the adventure; will it be a success or an utter flop?
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I know I put alot of pressure on myself and set un-realistic goals at times for what I want to achieve in my weightloss journey. I am trying to take a step back from that pressure but I dont want to step too far away from it at the same time. Slow and steady wins the race I know but I have always been results driven. I want to push myself to be better; I want to push myself to be more than I am; I want to change my life and my health; I have just had enough of being over-weight and not living to my full potential and happiness.
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I have talked before about the difficulty starting new habits and it worries me that I may fail again. I realize that it is natural to feel anxiety and have doubts but I have listened to these doubts all my life; I have fought through them to find out if they are valid or not and will do so again. Life is worth fighting this internal battle and I will do battle every time I have these self doubts. I must question it all in order to improve what I am not satisfied with. I must battle the negative thoughts that hold me back from being my true self. I must push through even when I feel like I can't because I have to face my fears and doubts head on. 
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So hopefully a week from now I will have started facing these issues head on again and be on my way to my goals. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Laying the Law Down!

I am feeling anxious about starting at the gym again after what will be 8 months come this Sunday since the accident. I have all the determination in the world to start "tomorrow" as long as I am on my couch or in my chair, but I have anxiety about when I am cleared to go back. I have the old feelings i battled through at the beginning of last year coming back to me. The self doubt, the hesitation, the negative wall I have put up around myself all are prolific in contributing to my anxiousness. 
this for me is truly a life or death battle, and to be honest I am not winning it right now. 

To some it s not a big deal but to me it is alot; as my weight creeps up my health and life timeline drops. with my weight gain and poor decision making in healthy choices that flicker of life in my eyes starts to fade. I become a walking statistic for heart disease, a heart attack, diabetes, stroke, congestive heart failure, the list goes on. 

I could blame it on so many things in my life but I don't because ultimately they were my choices. They were my lack of education and understanding of what I was doing to myself that brought me to this point no matter what did or didn't happen to me in my life; it was always my choice on how I responded to those events that happen in life. 

Ownership of your actions is key to dealing with the problems you face because you can't fix or change what you don't acknowledge. 

I recieved this belief in 2003 / 2004 when I got into the Dr Phil book Life Strategies. They are all so true and real that it has been something I have tried to keep in my daily life. 

Please allow me to share them in brief
The following is from the Dr. Phil website and I strongly reccomend that if you are looking for some self improvement to give this book a chance. It helped me before and will again as I restart this journey to be a better version of myself.

Life Law #1: You either get it, or you don’t.
Strategy: Become one of those who gets it.

It’s easy to tell these people apart. Those who “get it” understand how things work and have a strategy to create the results they want. Those who don’t are stumbling along looking puzzled, and can be found complaining that they never seem to get a break. 

You must do what it takes to accumulate enough knowledge to “get it.” You need to operate with the information and skills that are necessary to win. Be prepared, tune in, find out how the game is played and play by the rules.

In designing a strategy and getting the information you need — about yourself, people you encounter, or situations — be careful from whom you accept input. Wrong thinking and misinformation can seal your fate before you even begin. 

Life Law #2: You create your own experience.

Strategy: Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. Understand your role in creating results. 

You cannot dodge responsibility for how and why your life is the way it is. If you don’t like your job, you are accountable. If you are overweight, you are accountable. If you are not happy, you are accountable. You are creating the situations you are in and the emotions that flow from those situations.

Don’t play the role of victim, or use past events to build excuses. It guarantees you no progress, no healing, and no victory. You will never fix a problem by blaming someone else. Whether the cards you’ve been dealt are good or bad, you’re in charge of yourself now.

Every choice you make — including the thoughts you think — has consequences. When you choose the behavior or thought, you choose the consequences. If you choose to stay with a destructive partner, then you choose the consequences of pain and suffering. If you choose thoughts contaminated with anger and bitterness, then you will create an experience of alienation and hostility. When you start choosing the right behavior and thoughts — which will take a lot of discipline — you’ll get the right consequences. 

Life Law #3: People do what works.

Strategy: Identify the payoffs that drive your behavior and that of others.

Even the most destructive behaviors have a payoff. If you did not perceive the behavior in question to generate some value to you, you would not do it. If you want to stop behaving in a certain way, you’ve got to stop “paying yourself off” for doing it.

Find and control the payoffs, because you can’t stop a behavior until you recognize what you are gaining from it. Payoffs can be as simple as money gained by going to work to psychological payoffs of acceptance, approval, praise, love or companionship. It is possible that you are feeding off unhealthy, addictive and imprisoning payoffs, such as self-punishment or distorted self-importance. 

Be alert to the possibility that your behavior is controlled by fear of rejection. It’s easier not to change. Try something new or put yourself on the line. Also, consider if your need for immediate gratification creates an appetite for a small payoff now rather than a large payoff later.

Life Law #4: You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.
Strategy: Get real with yourself about life and everybody in it. Be truthful about what isn’t working in your life. Stop making excuses and start making results. 

If you’re unwilling or unable to identify and consciously acknowledge your negative behaviors, characteristics or life patterns, then you will not change them. (In fact, they will only grow worse and become more entrenched in your life.) You’ve got to face it to replace it.

Acknowledgment means slapping yourself in the face with the brutal reality, admitting that you are getting payoffs for what you are doing, and giving yourself a no-kidding, bottom-line truthful confrontation. You cannot afford the luxury of lies, denial or defensiveness.

Where are you now? If you hope to have a winning life strategy, you have, to be honest about where your life is right now. Your life is not too bad to fix, and it’s not too late to fix it. But be honest about what needs fixing. If you lie to yourself about any dimension of your life, an otherwise sound strategy will be compromised.

Life Law #5: Life rewards action.
Strategy: Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger. Learn that the world couldn’t care less about thoughts without actions.

Talk is cheap. It’s what you do that determines the script of your life. Translate your insights, understandings, and awareness into purposeful, meaningful, constructive actions. They are of no value until then. Measure yourself and others based on results — not intentions or words.

Use any pain you have to propel you out of the situation you are in and to get you where you want to be. The same pain that burdens you now could be turned to your advantage. It may be the very motivation you need to change your life.

Decide that you are worth the risk of taking action, and that your dreams are not to be sold out. Know that putting yourself at risk may be scary, but it will be worth it. You must leave behind the comfortable and familiar if you are to move onward and upward. 

Life Law #6: There is no reality, only perception.
Strategy: Identify the filters through which you view the world. Acknowledge your history without being controlled by it.

You know and experience this world only through the perceptions that you create. You have the ability to choose how you perceive any event in your life, and you exercise this power of choice in every circumstance, every day of your life. No matter what the situation, you choose your reaction, assigning meaning and value to an event. 

We all view the world through individual filters, which influence the interpretations we give events, how we respond, and how we are responded to. Be aware of the factors that influence the way you see the world, so you can compensate for them and react against them. If you continue to view the world through a filter created by past events, then you are allowing your past to control and dictate both your present and your future.

Filters are made up of fixed beliefs, negative ideas that have become entrenched in your thinking. They are dangerous because if you treat them as fact, you will not seek, receive or process new information, which undermines your plans for change. If you “shake up” your belief system by challenging these views and testing their validity, the freshness of your perspective can be startling.

Life Law #7: Life is managed; it is not cured.
Strategy: Learn to take charge of your life and hold on. This is a long ride, and you are the driver every single day.

You are a life manager, and your objective is to actively manage your life in a way that generates high-quality results. You are your own most important resource for making your life work. Success is a moving target that must be tracked and continually pursued.

Effective life management means you need to require more of yourself in your grooming, self-control, emotional management, interaction with others, work performance, dealing with fear, and in every other category, you can think of. You must approach this task with the most intense commitment, direction, and urgency you can muster. 

The key to managing your life is to have a strategy. If you have a clear-cut plan, and the courage, commitment, and energy to execute that strategy, you can flourish. If you don’t have a plan, you’ll be a stepping stone for those who do. You can also help yourself as a life manager if you manage your expectations. If you don’t require much of yourself, your life will be of poor quality. If you have unrealistic standards, then you are adding to your difficulties.

Life Law #8: We teach people how to treat us.
Strategy: Own, rather than complain about, how people treat you. Learn to renegotiate your relationships to have what you want.

You either teach people to treat you with dignity and respect, or you don’t. This means you are partly responsible for the mistreatment that you get at the hands of someone else. You shape others’ behavior when you teach them what they can get away with and what they cannot.

If the people in your life treat you in an undesirable way, figure out what you are doing to reinforce, elicit or allow that treatment. Identify the payoffs you may be giving someone in response to any negative behavior. For example, when people are aggressive, bossy or controlling — and then get their way — you have rewarded them for unacceptable behavior. 

Because you are accountable, you can declare the relationship “reopened for negotiation” at any time you choose, and for as long as you choose. Even a pattern of relating that is 30 years old can be redefined. Before you reopen the negotiation, you must commit to doing so from a position of strength and power, not fear and self-doubt.

Life Law #9: There is power in forgiveness.
Strategy: Open your eyes to what anger and resentment are doing to you. Take your power back from those who have hurt you.

Hate, anger, and resentment are destructive, eating away at the heart and soul of the person who carries them. They are absolutely incompatible with your own peace, joy, and relaxation. Ugly emotions change who you are and contaminate every relationship you have. They can also take a physical toll on your body, including sleep disturbance, headaches, back spasms, and even heart attacks. 

Forgiveness sets you free from the bonds of hatred, anger, and resentment. The only way to rise above the negatives of a relationship in which you were hurt is to take the moral high ground and forgive the person who hurt you. 

Forgiveness is not about another person who has transgressed against you; it is about you. Forgiveness is about doing whatever it takes to preserve the power to create your own emotional state. It is a gift to yourself, and it frees you. You don’t have to have the other person’s cooperation, and they do not have to be sorry or admit the error of their ways. Do it for yourself.

Life Law #10: You have to name it before you can claim it.
Strategy: Get clear about what you want and take your turn. 

Not knowing what you want — from your major life goals to your day-to-day desires — is not OK. The most you’ll ever get is what you ask for. If you don’t even know what it is that you want, then you can’t even ask for it. You also won’t even know if you get there! 

By being specific in defining your goal, the choices you make along the way will be more goal-directed. You will recognize which behaviors and choices support your goals — and which do not. You will know when you are heading toward your goal, and when you are off track. 

Be bold enough to reach for what will truly fill you up, without being unrealistic. Once you have the strength and resolve enough to believe that you deserve what it is that you want, then and only then will you be bold enough to step up and claim it. Remember that if you don’t, someone else will.

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