Sunday, March 29, 2015

Oh what a week it was..

Good morning my friends!

It was a pretty good week this week for exercise.
Last weekend my brother came to town for a visit and on Sunday, after my last post with you all; he and I went golfing at Sumac Ridge Golf Course. It was a 9 hole par 3 course and to be honest it totally kicked my ass.

We should have been more conscientious when the lady behind the counter suggested a golf cart for us to rent; but we thought she was just trying to up sell us as well as we thought it must only be for the older folks that live in the Okanagan, it's a par 3 after all! We passed on the idea and said " we could use the exercise, after all we had been to plenty of par 3 courses in the Lower Mainland of BC how bad could 9 holes be?

Well, you know it is going to be one of those days when you haven't even reached the first tee box and you have lost a ball... I purchased 6 golf balls for the day  (6 or $5.00) and dropped one and it went down the winding walkway to the parking lot, it was a lost cause trying to go an catch it so I carried on.

I tee off and the first ball goes in the pond.. oh great, that must be my mulligan, so I tried again... SPLOOSH .. SH*T! .. Third ball in the faraway.. and we are off to the races. That bad spot is behind us.

Second hole.. Splash .. 2nd mulligan taken.. Sploosh.. D^MN IT! 2 holes down and down to 1 ball. Such a long day coming up...

Off to the 3rd hole.. (the picture on the right) .. no water.. YAY!

Then the 4th hole...

Hard to tell from the above picture but you are only seeing part of the 100 foot drop between the Tee box where I took this picture and the green way up at the top of the picture. Let's just say I ended up getting some golf balls from my brother. I decided just to take a drop from near the hole, i wasn't going to bother re-hitting.
This is the walk way BRIDGE to get to the green on 4.

Such a long day coming... 

Then we start on the "back 9" the holes hidden from view. 


We keep hitting down hill but the greens are onto of hills at the bottom of hills. .. what kind of cruel torture is this? Three holes in a row go down hill only means the last 2 go up... and up big.. why oh why did we not get a cart? 

You know when a hole has a switchback on the cart path way it is pretty steep, plus did you notice the drop off if you bounce off the green??? What the Hell?!!!!

Now while all this self induced torture was great exercise, it was a quiet day so we took our time to enjoy the stunning views of Lake Okanagan. So much beauty here in The Okanagan, shhhhhh don't tell anyone, I want it all to my self now before the summer crowd comes and BC's wine country explodes!
Above is one of my buddies on the course, Mr Marmot, laughing at me. Oh well all in fun.

I  won't bother with the score of the game, Stuart one, I lost, I am sore, winded and drenched in sweat. Ah good workout.. That night I went to the hockey game with my brother in law.. GO VEES GO.. and by the end of the day I had hit my goal target of over 10,000 steps. YAY!!! it was the first time since the cruise I hit my daily goal, 
I have been close several times but not hit it since! i was so proud! During the work week I don't get as much excesses as I would like but that will change I am sure as it gets lighter out later in the evening. 
On Saturday I finally got around to taking the car in to get my winter tires off and the oil changed; so I drop the car off at 9:15am and instead of getting a shuttle back to the house I decide to walk home, I need my excercise and it was a beautiful day. 
Spring is so nice here in Penticton, it is usually dry, and cool enough to only need a sweater, so away I walked. 

At the end of the day I hit my steps again! Twice in 1 week! I am so happy, I feel like progress is being made and I wasn't that sore when I finished my walk (though my knee was giving out by the end of the day I did feel good!).

When you have so much to lose, in regard to weight, it can be such a daunting task; so I hold on the fact that it is these little victories that can keep me on track. I am learning to let go of the bigger picture in a sense to focus on the smaller picture. In doing so eventually the picture will zoom out again and I will see the changes I am making and the victories I have accomplished. In this end i will see myself as who I want to be; a healthier, more focused and more active me.
One day in the not too distant future I will see my own physical changes; i don't mean the one more notch in on the belt or slightly looser clothing, I mean the shirt and pants that are too big. The wardrobe that has to be given up in place for smaller one. I look forward to the day of being able to sit down with my legs together not having to feel my stomach force them apart or feel my stomachs weight push down on my thighs to the point of losing feeling when I sit in one position for too long. Yes, this is some of what I go through as an obese man. I don't wish this on anyone, and I don't want any of you to think it is acceptable to neglect yourself to the point you are depressed and hateful of yourself like I have felt. These little moments of victory give me hope and renew my desire to get healthy again. They inspire me to dream not of the "What if..." but rather the "When I..
It is those moment that will help this struggle I have inside me, I have no one to blame but myself for getting here, and at the same time i have only myself to give credit to in getting out of this dark place. While I do have an amazing wife who supports me in this journey, only I can walk these steps, only I can see where the finish line is and the obstacles infant of it, only I know my limits, only I can find this journey to me..

May this week be full of wonderful things to all of you.

On a side note I would like to note the passing of Carl Tymm just a short time ago. He was a fellow of the Craft and Shriner like me (he was last year's President of the Penticton Shrine Club), he had a brief fight with Cancer and will be missed. While I have not been a shriner for even a year as of yet and had only met Carl a handful of times I recognized his spirit and dedication to what Shriners do for kids. he was the embodiment of what a Shriner is and does. I feel that we Shriners who knew him are better off because of it as he inspires making a difference in helping kids.

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