Sunday, March 8, 2015

Goals for Becoming Me

Good Sunday to you all!

I had a topic all picked out and of course, at the last second I am changing it. LOL!

I was going to talk about how I was working on confronting my challenges this past week and what they were; however as this is all in its own discovery phase I thought it would be best to declare clear goals I want to achieve, as I have already stated in the contract and by doing so I figured I should be more definite of specific goals.

So here goes:

Goal # 1 - Wave good by to the 400s  - hit the 399 mark

Goal # 2 - Be active with a daily routine of getting my daily steps in. - I want to be competitive with Tabitha who is killing it daily with her steps.

Goal # 3 - Not need a seat belt extender on an airplane ever again!  - It's funny .. I used to be very embarrassed to have to ask for one, now I'm not as embarrassed as it has occurred so many times however I am embarrassed that I am not embarrassed about it!

Goal # 4 - Go to Universal Studios and not be anxious about if I will fit on a ride (specifically the Mummy ride - last time, Nov 2009, the shoulder barnes would not lock in the all the way - so I had to exit the ride)

Goal # 5 - Sayanora to 300s - hit 299 mark

Goal # 6 - Be able to buy clothes at ANY store (be an XL size)

Goal # 7 - Own a suit or two - i will even let Tabitha pick out the colour/style

Goal # 8 - No more swelling / Edema on my legs - my right leg is like bag of water wrapped around my calf while my ankle is normal size

Goal # 9 - Go up any stairs without being out of breath

Goal # 10 - Fit in a restaurant booth (or chair with arms) comfortably

Goal # 11 - Inspire others to lose weight too!

Goal # 12 - Be fit and healthy enough to become a certified trainer - and work with people who truly need my help and are at a point in their life where I am right now as I right this.

Goal # 13 - Log my daily meals constantly for an entire month - then continue on as a life habit.

Goal # 14 - Farewell forever 200s

Goal # 15 - Do up an amazing before and after photo shoot - starting photo will be posted next week

Goal # 16 - Hit the point of Ketosis Ketosis means that our bodies are using fat for energy. Ketones (also called ketone bodies) are molecules generated during fat metabolism, to do this i need to get my carbs down to less than 50 a day. 

Now these are just a some of my goals and as we go on this journey I will cross off the ones that have been achieved; I will also add new goals as we progress through this journey. 

Next weeks blog I will do the photo of where I started and start posting my SW, CW, LW and TGW (Starting Weight, Current Weight, Lost Weight, To Goal Weight).

If any of you have anything you would like me to post or have any questions about this journey I am taking please feel free to ask or comment here on my Blog.

FYI.. this week I was feeling positive and felt like one of my sweaters were looser fitting than normal. I admit though that nutrition wise I faltered and had too much carbs, there will be some weak days but overall I am conscious of this and will work ext a hard this week to limit the carbs. I want to hit that Ketosis and I know I can and will.

I am heading out for a walk so, until our next chat..Blessings to all of you!

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