Friday, July 1, 2016

A New Hope..

Happy Canada Day to All!

So here I am again, trying to get back into the routine I had before my little fender bender: blogging, logging, vlogging, working out, and just working on improving me. 

Well as today is Canada Day and 7 months into my "Year of Scotty Mac", and a few days until my 43rd birthday, I have decided to renew my pledge to myself and "go for it" so to speak. No journey is easy and this one has definitely had its challenges but I am re-committing myself to my goals. I will not let this hiccup in my plan spoil the hard work that I have achieved so far. 

"A dream written down with a DATE becomes a goal. A goal broken down into STEPS becomes a plan. A plan backed by ACTION makes your dreams come true.":

As of today, July 1st 2016, I am re-committing to going to the gym at least 5 days in a week. that I will achieve my step goals atleast 5 days a week. I will push myself everyday to perform better than the day before. That I will not get discouraged from failures but rather grow strength from learning from my mistakes. That I will not be defined by the scale every week and have the scale be the end all be all of my progress. My progress will be in increasing my health standards, increasing my strength, my endurance my longevity in this life and thus my weight will come down on its own time and schedule. I will commit more to making the right choices in meals and snacks and not let boredom, depression or emotions dictate what and when I eat. I will log my meals and exercise on a daily basis and share my achievements as a way to build my confidence and help me stay focused on where I am going. My life will be by my design and not by others, I will stay true to my health choices and not give in to temptations or ease of access or ease of choice. I will use the positive support through friends that have offered encouragement and shoulders to lean on. I will distance myself from the negative environments and people that are counter-productive to my goals. I will not make excuses for my failures and I will take credit for my achievements and not minimalize their importance. I will make myself a priority in my own life. This I solemnly promise without evasion or mental reservation of any kind and will hold my self fully accountable for my actions under no less a penalty than that of admitting to being the reason for my own failure. 

Let's do this!

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