Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday's Rants and Raves - July8 th

Everyday is a new beginning.

I am viewing this new lifestyle as a new challenge everyday in hopes that when I do have a bad day i just shake it off and start anew the following day. For me it is apart of letting go the past and focusing on the here and now. It does not matter what I did yesterday, last week, last month or 3 years ago, just what I do in this moment now. My attitude towards every day being new will empower me to give it my all and not be hung up on what wasn't, what could have been or what should have been done. 
Image result for living in the now
Being an introvert I think too much about mistakes I made or past accomplishments too much. I quite often catch myself living in the world of what ifs; this needs to change in to a world of action and results. I have talked many times about giving myself credit for my achievements and I will continue to do this however I can not live in the past too much. I need to stay focused on the now so I can push myself farther, harder and better, I can't let myself get complacent on what I have achieved. I know I just got back to the gym a little while ago but i was starting to find myself just happy doing the same weights everyday and not pushing to do better. 
Internal Processors:
I found my leg press popped me out of that complacency and I now try to push myself harder everyday, in a safe manner of course. It can be from just doing more reps in a set or doing an extra set or increasing the weight and working from there. I was looking in the mirror just the other day as I was walking from one machine to the next and I truly noticed that I was viewing myself as a gym guy, envisioning myself with bigger shoulders and chest from the work out I was doing. I was focusing on specific areas to work out more and envisioning doing more weights, sets and reps to get the results I am wanting. This may sound normal to some but to me it is a first. Most times I visualize my self as I am, fat. I think of "I need to lose this roll", "I need to stop this jiggle", or "this sag needs to go"; I was looking at the negative of myself and not the in the moment positives. My mind is changing to the "damn I just pressed 430 pounds", or "I can start to see some definition in my triceps" or even "I can feel my pecs getting bigger and stronger". 
Image result for accomplishments
I am constantly trying to catch myself being negative towards my own actions; I need to change this internal monologue of self deprecation. I am worth every positive I deserve to give myself. The negative talk is bullshit and I am better than what I am thinking I am, I am just starting to believe it now. As I have said many times on here the best way to predict the future is by reviewing your immediate past, and here is mine:
- lost over 20 pounds
- joined the gym
- gotten a personal trainer
- stuck with changing my meal plans to a healthier way of living
- continued to go to the gym on a regular basis (despite a temporary absence due to doctors orders)
- faced many things I was intimidated by and faced them head on 

7 months, that is over 1/2 a year of success in several areas that I avoided in the last 11+ years. Now in-spite of this reflection the best thing I can do to honour these accomplishments in the here and now is to continue to be active everyday to perpetuate this winning streak.
The results I want will come, in time, but they will arrive, I just need to be patient and stay consistent to who I am and wanting to be. 

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