Sunday, February 15, 2015

This weeks journey...

Well, hello world!

So it has been about a week since my last post and I want to try to give you weekly posts; so I figured best to start with my week in review.
 It was BC Family Day last Monday and I got to spend it with my beautiful wife; then on Tuesday it was dentist time and I was thoroughly impressed with the evolution of dentistry from my previous dentist whom I had for the last 30+ years to my new dentist! Only 15 mins for dealing with a cavity.. OMG... very very impressed! The rest of the week was rather uneventful.. just work and life in general, then Valentine's Day last night.. but that is a separate post.
 This week I have been thinking a lot about my post of last week and my weightless struggles. I have felt like pressure was taken from my shoulders and though I am no where near my goal yet I feel more focused.
During the month of January Tabitha and I did a cleanse of sorts to reboot the system, it is called The Whole 30. While I do find it good it gets a bit boring after a while and the last week of it I was looking forward to having it end. I wasn't necessarily craving anything but just wanting to know I have freedom even if i screw up on something. Since February I haven't changed much, I hardly eat any carbs and have minimal amounts of dairy is the only real change. We still eat fairly clean food and we both feel better, Tab has had some amazing results, but I will let her tell you; just go to Tabitha's Blog and check out what goes on with her!
I felt this week that my clothes fit me a bit better and that my energy was good, I felt that life is ok and that I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had some flashbacks a few times of when I had lost the weight before (back in 2004-2005), and it made me positive and hopeful. I always worry about slipping and falling behind of where I want to be which is a slippery slope into depression and the vicious circle of emotional eating.
There are so many things I want to do if when I get fit again. I want to take up golf, boxing/kick boxing,  curling, running/hiking; I want to feel accomplished that I have learned something new and that this old dog has a few new tricks. I am hoping that envisioning a healthy lifestyle not just now but when i am at my goal will keep me on the paved path I need to be.
It is just about going through this overgrown forest and finding that old trail that leads to a path that ends up a gravel road that will turn into my paved journey. Small steps lead to great strides; we all trip and fall at times but it's the will to get up and continue that defines us.

How will you be defined?

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