Monday, February 9, 2015

A new beginning....

Hi everyone!

It is me, Scott aka "MaCruzLvr"..
I have decided to start over and start fresh with a new blog.
I felt that my old bloggy thing wasn't quite right. Whilst I did get some thoughts out it just didn't have the right fit. I guess I used my wife, Tabitha,'s blog (Coffee, Wine and Wanderlust) as inspiration on fine tuning.
So I will begin again from the start.
I have a beautiful wife who inspires me with her love and patience.
I have a loving and supportive family whom I love very much!
I often think and wonder what impact I can do to make the world a better place.
I am overweight morbid obese, there i said it... and have some serious struggles in working to overcome this mental trap.
I love to travel with my wife; to see new places, try new things and taste new culinary flavours. (we just booked our next cruise to the Caribbean! - this will be the 3rd Caribbean Cruise in a row and we have yet to double up on destination ports!). I know this last part with the culinary tasting can be a bit counter-productive with losing weight but hey I am a "retired" chef. Why the quotes you may ask? Well, I hung up my apron over 2 years ago to go in to food equipment sales, so that I would have a chance to see my wife, live a more normal of a life and to stop living in a burned out and stressed out life.

As it is a new year now and we all have those New Year's Revolutionythingamagigs to self improvement I actually decided not to do one... sort of. Let me explain:

Every year it seems that everyone makes them then breaks them. That "we all" commit to improving what we are and how we do it and for the first 7 days its great.. then we start to trail off.  Well late last year...  September/October i decided that I want to start making some life changes now and not put all the stress on one particular month. I have made some conscious choices from then to do some minor choices on certain aspects of my life, so by the time New Years came I was already going on what others claim to be a "New Year New Me" attitude.
One of the first things I did was cut down on my carbs intake, this has made me feel less bloated and provided a bit more energy to do things. Both Tabitha and I have refined some of our eating habits; we started this summer doing some canning and plan on increase the amount of canning this year so that we control what it is we put into our bodies. It is all baby steps but steps in the right direction. We joined a local gym that had a buy 3 months get the 4th free and started doing some regular trips to the gym, now this has gone by the way side and we haven't been going; more to this later.

That is it for now...

Peace and love to you all!

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