Saturday, November 26, 2016

What did they just say?

I was busy doing my own thing when I over hear a conversation on the phone.

Now I know I should not listen in on otther people conversations but when in a small area with few people it is hard not to. This conversation without going into detail blatantly insulted someone who was also in the vicinity, and who I am sure must have heard it (I was 10 feet farther away and I heard it!), by commenting on their weight and demeanor. This person I find to be a positive person and with bounds of energy and who to my understanding is quite gentle. 

The ignorance of people to still judge people based on looks and to comment on them with little discretion when they are in the same room is unbelieveable to me. I do not care what generation they are of, or what race, religion, sexual orientation, or nationality as none of it matters WE ARE ALL OF THE HUMAN RACE, (Though I do question to myself if people with such poor moral choices are still considered apart of it).
Image result for ignorance is not bliss

Words hurt, even if the words were not directed to me they still pissed me off. How dare someone judge people like that then spread that word to others.

Ignorance is not bliss.
Image result for ignorance is not bliss
Is it too much to ask of people and society to respect people as people?

Does it matter how big or small people are? 

I can't speak for everyone who deals with weight issues but I can say from experience we are tired of society being the judge of what we should look like, how we should act and how we should live. 
Image result for fat shaming is bad memes

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