Friday, November 25, 2016

Counting Down the days to "Normalcy"

On December 2nd I have what I hopefully can say is my last Physio appointment.

I am back to 8 hour work days with little or no issues at this point in time and the road to recovery is looking good but only time will tell which is partially why there is a 2 week break in between physio appointments. My therapist has worked hard at helping me progress through my health issues from the accident. I am so thankfull for her efforts to help me where I was to where I am. Every week we go through a symptom questionaire and she totals my points and each one is rated from 0 to 6. my first visit I was at 67. I had so many issues and frustrations, my emotional health was very poor and I was quite despondent because of the lack of progress in my health getting better. This last week I was at 11 total. A big difference 8 weeks makes!

Image result for concussion recovery

Sure I still have a sore neck and the occasional headache right now but the intensity and acuteness of it has dissapated. My anger, sadness, anxiety, frustration, not feeling right, depression, confusion, memory loss, and so much more that I suffered from when I first saw Jessica has all but gone, I still have anxiety about driving but I feel that 98% of the time the other emotional symptoms are not there. I remember my first day at Physio how I broke down because of all the emotions I was dealing with and feeling helpless that I was not getting consistent care from the doctors. Jessica assured me she would see me through it and help me get better., and she stayed true to her word.

Image result for Physiotherapist reassurance

Now I find myself waiting and coutning down the days to my re-testing and appraisal of my health in regards to my accident. I yearn to get back to the gym, to go back to a normal life and do the normal things I used to do . It is as if I see the end of the tunnel and am almost at the finish line, I can taste the victoy i am just not there yet though. I know I have to ease myself back into the gym going slow at what I was doing before as my body regains the strength and endurance I once put it through. The loss of control of my own life and exsistence due to being rear ended has been difficult mentally and emotionally and I am ready to be done with it. 

Image result for concussion mentally draining

I had a health goal for this year and I know I won't hit it but that just gives me determination to not let the chances I am given in life to slip by me. I am lucky that my accident was not worse, I can just imagine what state I could have been in if the lady was doing 100km/h when she hit me. Would I even be alive at the speed of that possible impact? The thought of that just makes me feel blessed that I have an opprotunity to have the year of Scotty Mac 2.0 this coming year. It gives me renewed enthusiasm to move forward with my weightloss goals and attitude towards my health. I am working at setting new exciting goals for this coming year that I want to achieve now that I have had a chance to see my own potential. I have an aggresive goal for weight I want to hit, more so than this year, I have some gym goals I want to hit in regards to weights I lift/push/pull. I have goals to the amount of times a week I go the gym and amount of time at the gym per day. I want to learn more about nutrition and what my body needs and what it craves and ween myself off certain types of food not just the junk. I am even considering taking up DDP Yoga (mainly because it has to be a manly Yoga since it was developed by a former professional wrestler). If you arent familiar watch this video: Arthur's Transformation; it is quite inspiring! 

Image result for DDP Yoga

Life never gives you a clear path on where you are going and sometimes there will be detours and bumps along the way. I find when this happens you must accept it, learn from it and figure out how to make that road be more in the direction you want, how to make the road a little less bumpy. After all who said that you have to go on the journey where no others have travelled as only I can know the direction to take. This journey for me is 4 wheel drive and time to go off roading!

Image result for life a road less travelled path

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