Sunday, February 26, 2017

Slow Cooker Love

I must say that in my house we love our slow cooker. Quite often we are making delicious healthy meals in the cooker while we work and it is so awesome to come home to a nice hot meal and not have to worry about cooking.
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I was telling Tabitha for years that I wanted a slow cooker and she balked at the idea. she did not want a piece of equipment that we would hardly use taking up space on the counter. Little did she realize she is probably a bigger user of it than me! Quite often Tabitha will spend a Saturday or Sunday (sometimes both) making different meals for the week with it. 
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With our Crock Pot we typically make:

Vegetarian Chili
Pea Soup
Pulled Pork
Roast beef
Beef Dip
Sweet and Sour Pork (not healthy )
Beef Stew
Mexican Chicken
Turkey Chili 

I am always looking to explore new recipes or new ideas for these cold wintery days we have been seeing as of late. 
Image result for slow cooker healthy recipesImage result for slow cooker healthy recipesImage result for slow cooker healthy recipes
Image result for slow cooker healthy recipesImage result for slow cooker healthy recipes

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Building Confidence from Accomplishment.

I have been working on my mindset alot so far this year and the other day I really noticed the difference. Instead of giving up on the treadmill after 45 mins I pushed through to 60 mins because I believed in myself and my ability to do it. 

The same confidence happened with doing my leg press; I started with 360lbs, then went to 450lbs and did both sets with relative ease so I decided to up it to 590 lbs. For a brief moment I was thinking that this was too much for me to do, then I said to myself "No, I can do this!". So i got into position, set my feet in place and did one set of 10 reps. I felt ecstatic about the accomplishment, my legs felt good and confident and I feel like I could have done more but though I would take my time and continue to build my strength.

For so long I have been giving up on myself and taken the easy way out when it comes to pushing myself, but everyday I am pushing myself, recognizing my successes, and growing confidence in myself and my ability. Little by little chipping away at the stone facade of who I thought I was to reveal the person I am and although the final creation is a ways off I can start to see the sculpture underneath. 
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I have noticed this change in my neck and face, I have noticed it in my arms and shoulders as I can feel and see them grow and I notice it in my power and strength. I notice these changes and my mindset when it comes to pushing myself and the want of doing better than the day before. I notice the changes when it comes to a rest day I feel guilty about not getting my steps in or hitting some weights. 
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I know that it will still take some time to see it in other areas but it will get there, it is a slow process and I must give it time to work. As I recall when I went through this all before in 2004, once the weight started to come off it just started to melt away non stop that even on rest days I would lose weight. I will get there again, I truly believe it.
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I feel different from last year when I started this journey (before the accident), and I have to say that in my mind it was doing the 21+ day challenge I gave myself. For 21 days no matter what was going on I pushed myself to go to the gym (of course I would only take 1 day off as a rest day). During the late part of the second week of the challenge I noticed that I was starting to get motivated to go to the gym, I would look forward to going in the morning, I would have more energy throughout the day, I would feel accomplished in doing something with my day before I got to work at 8am. I would feel that I am the king and conqueror of my little world and when at the gym no one could stop me.  
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I had an email conversation with Obi-wan Kelsey as she was asking for an update on my progress this year and I told her of what i have been doing. I told her about my self challenge, about upping my cardio to 1 hour and then at least 30 mins on weights. I told her that I am pushing myself on the weights and am increasing the weight as to not get complacent and to build my strength. I told Kelsey about my research into my body type of endomorph and focusing on the nutrition and exercise an endomorph requires and that I am following that plan.  After telling Kelsey all this she let me know that it was a great idea and that she was happy and thrilled with my progress and that she could not have told me better herself!
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I am very proud of the progress so far; I was one of those people who would go through the motions of belief while I knew I would cave in later down the road. I was the prototypical fat guy who would do an half assed effort and then give up. The key words being WAS. 
Now I am feeling confident I got this, I feel confident that I am going to surprise people a year from now at my progress. I am confident that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a headlamp of an oncoming train, but rather that of the brighter future I will have. 

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Doing the Whole 30 and figuring myself out.

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So every for the past four years, January my wife and I start the year off doing The Whole 30 Meal Plan. My wife seems to always have great results, me not so much, though I have to admit I don't go as full on with the plan as she does as she usually does the Vegetarian version and I modify it to the non vegetarian version so I can have some protein / meat. Now I do realize that changing the plan will get different results but I typically lose maybe 4 or 5 pounds and Tabitha usually ends up with around 20lbs loss. To me this does not seem right so I am now starting to focus on my nutrients and the balance I am getting so I can understand fully what is working and what is not. 

The Whole 30, in brief, is eating clean food and avoiding dairy and carbs for 30 days; there is more to it but that is the gist of it. 

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The first time we tried it I wasn't too much of a fan but I did it to support my wife. She made most of the meals as she was more familiar with what we could and could not have. There was a lot of spaghetti squash and vegetarian chili; which is good but it was quite a few times a week and got boring fast. 
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Over time we did The Whole 30 maybe twice a year and with that I started to take more of an interest in making the meals as i used it as an opportunity to teach myself more vegetarian cuisine as well as learn a more healthy style of cooking. For me it was a bit bumpy at first as the chef in me was constantly wanting to add certain things to elevate the meals but couldn't because of they were not Whole 30 approved. Oh the frustration! 
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Here we are now though and I feel confident when making a meal that needs to be whole 30 approved, vegetarian or not, and make it rich and flavourful and healthy. this last little while I have made Lasagna, Roast dinners, Meatloafs, Stirfrys, basically anything we would eat any given time when not on the plan. Tabitha and I are so set on the quality of the meals that we now regularly add these meals into our weekly meal plans when not on the Whole 30. 
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I am quite happy with making the meals that are healthier and tastier that don't make me feel bloated and miserable. Damn carbs! And while I am lactose intolerant it is great to have experimented with some soya "cheese loaf", though it will never replace a smoked gouda or Caciocavallo cheese it is nice to have options that taste good.

Now again as disappointing as it has been to not have the results Tabitha gets, I have been focusing for the last month or so on logging all my meals, logging my exercise and researching my nutrients required to sustain me properly. I truly believe that this year my research and efforts will pay off as my exercise routine has been very stable so far and my meals have been spot on to where it should be so the results should come. 
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I have focused a lot on upping my protein intake which helps with late morning and mid afternoon cravings. I typically have a protein shake right after my workout then again in late morning and mid/late afternoons when my cravings are at the tipping point. I have also been focusing on which fats I am eating (lots of avocado - and I never used to like it too!) and limiting my carbs. the protein will help build my muscle mass and in theory my body will burn more fat for using up as energy. Combining this with a good solid workout 5 to 6 days a week ( at least) I should see results in the near future that will truly show the direction I am going.
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I know as I restructure my habits and my caloric intake my body is going through an adjustment period. This period has always bothered me as I know the efforts I would put in during past trials and failures and the weight loss is just not where I want it to be. Disappointment would step in and a cycle of falling off the wagon would commence, so this time around I have decided to only weigh myself ever 2 or 3 months, my next weigh in is in March. I have also decided to start taking measurements of key body parts; my neck, arms, chest, waist, calves, and thighs. I believe this will give a better representation of the changes that will be made and while I may not lose the weight I think I should I would be able to see the progress of where I am at better. For some reason I keep forgetting to take measurements though ( hopefully by the time this is posted it will be done!).
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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Cheffy's Kitchen Presents ... Zucchini Lasagna

So here is my first recipe post; I wanted to do something that I truly loved and thought was pretty incredible tasting.

Zucchini Lasagna 

It is more of a traditional style lasagna with a twist of Zucchini Slices instead of pasta. this helps drastically cut down the calories; as well we used soy cheese products as we were in the midst of doing the Whole 30 meal plan.

What you need is:

1 pound of Extra Lean Ground Beef
1 pound of Italian Sausage (we used Spicy but it is up to you)
1 tbsp garlic minced
2 large onion -diced
2 medium size sweet bell peppers - diced
2 cups mushrooms - sliced
Salt & pepper

In a hot large pot saute all ingredients together until meat is well cooked. Drain excess fat but do not rinse.


1 litre of home made pasta sauce (or your preferred brand just try to minimize brands with lots of additives you cant pronounce or don"t sound natural)

Taste and reseason with salt and pepper if necessary. (feel free to add some spice if you like)

Set on med/low heat stirring occasionally.

Pre heat oven to 425F

3 zucchini large - sliced 1/4" thick length wise

brush lightly with Olive oil and place on George Foreman grill (or pan sear in hot fry pan) and grill lightly for about 2 mins. You just want to have the zucchini sweating but not fully cooked.

Layer warm zucchini on bottom of baking dish. add layer of fresh baby spinach leaves, then add a layer of hot meat/sauce mix then repeat this process until you reach final layer. 
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Grate 1 brick of Soya "mozzarella" loaf and cover top of lasagna bake approximately 10 mins then turn on broiler in oven and cook for another 5 mins. Remove from oven and let sit for 5 mins (good time to clean up and dishes you haven't cleaned already)

Serves 8 (excellent as left overs for lunches!)

446 calories per serving

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

On the 7th day he rested... and built up his muscles!

and muscle building

I am into my second week of my 21 days straight and I am doing well and feeling good. I feel like my arms and shoulders are getting bigger. I have been pushing myself to go a bit longer and do an extra set or a bit more weight when I am feeling good and comfortable with what I am already doing. I am trying to get out of comfort zone by doing a bit extra, in terms of weight and reps in order to see improvements in my strength. I am also increasing my protein intake to help with building muscles that burn fat, a big factor for me and my weight; I am also using one day a week, Sundays, to use it as a rest day. 
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It is very important to make sure that I have at least one day to rest a week during this building of a new habit as to give my body a chance to take proper advantage of the restructuring it is going under. When working with weights you are actually creating little tears in your muscles which  heal during rest and the rest and heal process makes you stronger and builds the muscles. 

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It was tough for me to take the day off this past Sunday, I was feeling guilty of not being at the gym but I knew I needed a rest day to help assist the process I was going under. I made sure to keep my calories in line by use of the app MyFitnessPal (available in the google play store or apple app store ).  Image result for rest days
I have been actively reading sources for as much information I can on nutrition and rest days as I want to make sure I am doing everything right. I can never say enough about how much helpful information there is out in the web-universe and it has been so helpful. I am not wanting to be the bodybuilder type or sports god body type I just want to work on better habits and work on the body I have for my frame. I have always had strong legs and always considered myself a workhorse when it comes to powering through weights; granted, I am definitely seeing things clearer now then when I first started when it comes to where my specific strength really lies. 

By utilizing these rest days I notice afterwards that my strength in the weaker areas I have shows some improvement. I am also working on specific areas now, instead of working on several areas per trip to the gym I am now focusing on individual areas such as legs, arms and shoulders, chest and back, as well as my usual treadmill, wall squats, calf raises and side to sides.

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I like/hate the cardio part, as it is a good way to get my heart rate going and getting it in the fat burning zone before hitting the weights. I like it because I feel good after I have done it and I feel accomplished, but I hate it as I feel like it just takes up too much time and where I could be on the weights, that and it is boring as hell especially when the TV monitors are set to something boring (such as today it was "Mansbridge One on ONE on CBC) and of course there is no TV remote available at 4am as the gym doesn't open to  the non FOB pass people until 7am. If  sports highlights are on I can just go for 30 mins or more pretty easily (lately it has been 40 mins; but if sports aren't on, which most of the time it is by the way, I keep telling myself 3 more songs. I equate 3 more songs to 10 mins of music/walking, I seem to be more conscious of my knees hips and legs more when I am not enthralled in a visual I am interested in while on the treadmill. 
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I am starting to look forward to the next workout even after I finish the last one, I hope this continues. I am just going to keep pushing myself to stay to this routine until the 21 days are up and then see how I cam doing and either keep working out 6 days a week or possibly go down to 5 days where in theory I would take Wednesdays and Sundays off but I am not sure about that as I am determined to achieve a few certain goals this year by the time I leave for my cruise in December. 

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The one thing I do wish for is for a work out partner for 4 ams, I would ask my brother in law but he does cross fit at another gym and I don't think he would want to leave that and join a different place. Oh well, I need to do it on my own anyways; I got myself into this mess I have to dig myself out of it.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Endomorph... a what-o-morph...?

So I have been doing some research in to my body type and the weight-loss exercises I should be doing as well as the nutrients I should be getting and I have discovered I am an Endomorph. 
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An endomorph is someone who is just like me, I just think of pizza and gain 2 pounds. Endomorphs are people who store fat easily and find it hard to lose weight, usually have a spare tire around the mid section as well as excess weight in our hips and legs. We also tend to be the type that also gain muscle mass (a good thing to have) easily as well, unfortunately we are just masters of storing fat cells. 

So the question I asked Uncle Google is how does an endomorph lose weight? This is when this came clear to me, everything started to make sense. My body apparently is too efficient at storing carbohydrates and thus I have to limit them, I also need to increase my cardio and weight training. Cardio will help me speed up my metabolism and be more efficient at weight loss and weight/strength training will help me build lean muscle mass that will help burn off stored fat cells even when at rest; but the true key to this is in my nutrition. I need to increase my protein intake to 1 gram of protein per pound daily and then a relative low carb amount (nothing ridiculous of course) and work on having more healthy fats. I am using the macros in the MyFitnessPal app to where my Macros are 50% protien intake, 25% each of carbs and fats.

Now I am no expert but the mass amounts of information I have found have all told me similar information and similar macros it just depends on what it is your looking for; for me it is fat loss and muscle build up. gave me this info:


One of the reasons endomorphs struggle with their weight more than mesomorphs and ectomorphs, is that for various reasons endomorphs are very sensitive to even the slightest over-consumption of food. This means that the extra calories are more likely to be stored as fat compared to ectomorphs, resulting in a greater propensity for fat storage. As an endomorph you need to monitor your calorie intake carefully.

Does that mean calorie counting until the day you die? Not at all. But for the first few months you do need to closely watch your diet until you have a firm sense of how and what to eat. And at regular periods you might want to do a spring clean/ inventory of where you diet’s at. Looking over your diet for any bad habits that have crept in, and then to re-evaluate and reset your diet.
Remember when you veer of course it’s often only by a few degrees (or a chocolate bar!). You want to catch it and get back on track early. Before you’ve strayed off too far, gained a lot of weight and become disillusioned, discouraged, and feel you have to start all over again.


As an endomorph, it isn’t only your calorie intake that’s important. Your macronutrient ratio (the ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat) is also a key factor helping you lose weight and get fit. And it’s your body type that helps determine your ideal macronutrient ratio.
Endomorphs often have some degree of carbohydrate sensitivity and insulin sensitivity. Carbohydrate rich foods are converted to sugar in the bloodstream quickly and more likely be stored as fat than be burned for energy. This is one of the reasons endomorphs tend to do better on a lower carb diet. A moderate reduction in carbs will make a significant difference in helping carb-sentive endomorphs shift body fat.
The carbs you do eat should be complex carbs – predominantly vegetables and some smaller amounts of unrefined, high-fiber starches, such as quinoa and amaranth. As an endomorph, if you want to lose weight, you need to step away from the white bread, rice and pasta, and from the sweet cereals, cakes and cookies! Fruits are rich in important nutrients, but also higher in sugar. So aim to eat at least 5 servings of veggies for every 2 servings fruit (~5:2 ratio).
Carb sensitive endomorphs should minimize the amount of carb-dense foods they eat outside the workout window. Stick to eating largely complex carbs most of the time. Limit eating carb-dense foods to the pre- and post-workout period when your body wants them most – for energy and when it will help your body repair and recover from your workouts and also limit fat gain.


Endomorphs typically do best on a diet that is higher in protein and fat, with less carbs. A macronutrient ratio that works well for endomorphs is:
  •  30 – 40% carbs
  • 30 – 35% protein
  • 30 – 35% fat
You can start with more carbs such as a nutrient distribution of 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats, and if you find you’re not losing weight reduce your carb intake further. For example, 30% carbs, 35% protein, and 35% fats.
You needn’t follow a complicated diet to make these changes. This ratio of protein, fat, and carbs doesn’t have to be pinpoint accurate. Think of it simply as eating a diet higher in protein and fat, and lower in carbs. A Paleo-like diet is often best suited for endomorphs, as each meal contains protein, vegetables and some healthy fats, such as avocado or olive oil.
A moderately low carbohydrate, higher protein and fat diet will help endomorphs to:
  • Lose fat.
  • Maintain energy levels.
  • Higher protein levels allow a reduction in calories, while minimizing any feelings of deprivation/ hunger. A protein rich meal is more satisfying and leaves you more full after eating compared to carb-heavy meals.
  • Protein has a higher thermic effect and “stirs the pot” more than fat or carbs. While anything eaten in excess is likely to lead to fat gain, a diet higher in protein is less likely to be stored as body fat than a diet high in carbs or fat.
  • Moderate carbs with higher protein will help prevent the muscle loss that occurs when lowering calories to lose weight.
  • Provide enough carbohydrates to fuel metabolic needs, while keeping blood sugar controlled and minimizing risk of diabetes and other diseases.
  • Help make eating like this a lifestyle choice and a habit, as it isn’t restrictive, doesn’t exclude entire food groups and is easy to stick with.

And from 

Endomorph Body Type

As discussed in one of our previous articles, endomorphs are large in size with less or no muscle definition and face the highest level of difficulty in losing fat. The endomorph has a particularly easy time gaining weight, but it’s hard for them to shed kilos. Much of the weight they gain is fat, which tends to produce a round body shape. The following are the traits of an endomorph:
  • Thick rib cage.
  • Sluggish metabolism.
  • Low carb tolerance.
  • Blocky
  • Thicker Joints.
  • Hips as wide (or wider) than clavicles.
  • Shorter limbs.
  • Underdeveloped muscles.
  • Short arm and legs.

Endomorph Diet

Endomorph Diet Tips
In case you’re an endomorph, the good news for you is that packing on muscles is fairly easy and the bad news is that your body type is prone to excessive accumulation of body fat, especially in the form of “a large tire” in the midsection.

Endomorph diet should be high protein with minimal carbohydrates & fatss

Endomorphs can’t afford to consume excessive carbs. Cutting down on carbs will produce visibly appreciable results.
Protein is your friend and you should consume more than 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Protein is essential for building lean muscles and intake of the right quantity of protein makes your weight loss program much more effective. Including lean protein in every meal will make up for a good endomorph diet. Eg. Protein shake after workout, egg whites in the morning.
Your fat consumption should majorly be composed of dietary fat, for example: endomorph diet should contain olive oil, nuts and nut butter, fish and fish oil, flex seed oil, eggs etc.

Endomorph WorkoutEndomorph Sweating Workout

If you are ready to look less like Govinda and more like Aamir, then you need to plan your training program keeping in mind the above nutrition guidelines. An endomorph workout program will contain more exercises per body part for the obvious reason of breaking down more muscles and burning more calories.
  • Do 12 or more sets of exercises per body part. Higher number of sets per body part will help you burn more calories.
  • Try doing around 15 reps per set. This is essential for hypertrophy. The more you stress your muscles, the more active will be your metabolism, which in turn will convert you into a fat burning machine.
  • Endomorphs have an upper hand in some cases as compared to other body types. Your recovery is faster than a mesomorph, but slower than an ectomorph. This means that training more frequently and thus training sore won’t hinder your ability to gain benefit from training. The more endomorphs workout, the more calories they burn and hence eventually get slimmer.
  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake drastically. Your body type stores a lot of carb as fat, so it’s better for you to reduce carb intake throughout the day. The only exception to this rule can be before and after your workout for energy and recovery, but try not to overdo it.
  • Try to eliminate carbohydrates from your diet after 7 pm, so that you start your next day with some carb deficit and leave your body searching for fuel elsewhere. To get the max out of the morning carb deficit, train in the morning.
  • Lift as heavy as possible. The real test of heavy is that it really tests your guts in the last 3 reps. Also, your rest interval should be around 30 – 40 second max.

Importance of cardio

Though cardio might be an enemy for ectomorphs and mesomorphs, but “cardio is your friend”. Focus on cardio. This shift your body’s energy burning mechanism from glycogen burning (carbs) to fat burning. Plan your workout in such a way that it includes 3 cardio sessions a week. Due to cardio, your body depletes its glycogen reserves, which are the main energy sources for physical activity and thus, as a result of it your body starts using the stored fat as energy. It is recommended that your endomorph workout plan includes steady cardio or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in your workout schedule. Steady state helps to burn more calories during a workout, while HIIT cranks up your post workout metabolism. By mixing these two, you will gain vastly superior results.
With a controlled and protein rich diet and a focused workout regime, endomorphs would definitely be able to shed off their extra kilos and come out with a solid, strong build.

Anyways you can see that there is a lot of information out there that can help with your body type once you figure out which one you are. This all has been very illuminating for me and I look forward to putting this information in to practice and seeing where the results come.