Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sorry I have been away from posting the last few weeks, life gets crazy sometimes.

The last few weeks I have been feeling the stress and recognize that I have been stress eating.. alot.  I see this vicious cycle and am recognizing the triggers but I have an issue trying to stop, trying to find an alternate way to handle things.
I hate the struggle, I hate my physical self and I hate the distance I have to go to be at a healthy point.  Where I am in my life, I am not satisfied; I expect more from myself and when I let myself down I hold it against myself. A person can have a supportive family and friends but if that person doesn't start the change within, until that person "gets it", it is a losing fight; thats where I am at. I know it but I just don't get it yet... I need to make that transition but I am just not there yet.
It is funny, the other week when grocery shopping the cashier lady said " I love how you are always buying such healthy items!", and its true we do, very rarely do I buy crap food, if it is not in our house we can't eat it is my belief. Yet, despite this i feel like i have gained weight, I feel that it is pointless to try (I feel this way sometimes but not always), it truly is a struggle. I know I am not alone in this struggle. It just takes time to train my brain, I just wish it would get a move on it faster as I am done with it.

Anyways... that is a glimpse into what is going on with mw at the moment.